本文选题:粒计算 + 信息系统 ; 参考:《浙江海洋大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Rough set theory is a kind of mathematical theory put forward by Polish mathematician Pawlak in 1982. It can deal with and analyze incomplete data. Its main characteristic is that the classification ability is not changed.The attribute reduction of knowledge is obtained by eliminating redundant information, and the rules are extracted.The feature of rough set data analysis is that it does not need to provide any assumptions outside the given data, and only makes decisions using the given data.With the research and development of rough set theory, it has been successfully applied in many fields. In recent years, many achievements have been obtained in the field of agricultural informatization.Granular computing is an important method of data mining and knowledge representation. It is a very active research direction in the field of artificial intelligence, especially intelligent information processing.The objective is to analyze and process large-scale and complex data and to establish effective computing models.The characteristic of granular computing is to find an approximate method to solve complex problems at a suitable granularity level.In real life, people often observe objects or deal with data from different granularity levels. Choosing appropriate decision system and corresponding decision rules at different granularity levels is a very important research topic in intelligent information processing.Aiming at the knowledge acquisition problem of multi-granularity label decision system, this paper studies the optimal granularity selection in multi-granularity label decision system based on granular computing.Firstly, the concepts of information system, multi-granularity label information system and multi-granularity label decision system are introduced.Secondly, the optimal granularity selection of multi-granularity label decision system in different sense is discussed. Eight concepts of coordination and optimal granularity in multi-granularity label decision system are introduced, and the relationship between them is discussed.It is proved that there are only four different types of optimal granularity.Finally, four methods of attribute reduction and rule extraction based on optimal granularity are presented in the multi-granularity label decision system.
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