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parcel post 在 机械工业 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-22 17:07








parcel post

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        Study on Scheduling and Optimization of Parcel Post Automated Warehouse and Intelligent Control for Stack Crane



        The problems of automate guide vehicle transport and stack crane picking order are analyzed deeply in parcel post automated warehouse, basic mathematic model of scheduling is set up.



        The conception and method of online scheduling in parcel post automated warehouse are put forward, that is dynamic scheduling problem, which is equal to solve online traveling salesman problem.



        On the basis of mentioned above, an improving genetic algorithms to solve this problem is put forward. Improving genetic algorithms, 3-opt heuristic and first input first output is simulated separately in computer by MatLab, and compared completely. The result of experiment shows that improving genetic algorithms can be used to obtain solution of two kinds of scheduling problems in parcel post automated warehouse, stability is strong, and the speed converging to optimum is higher.




        Aiming at present situation of storage technology and management level of parcel post and delivery at home, the role of automatic stereo ware house in the development and improvement of storage and management level as well as in the promotion of national economic development is discussed. The general configuration of stereo warehouse for automatic storage and delivery of postal parcels,the variety of equipments,and the manner of computer management and control are analyzed in detail and preliminary investigated and discussed.



    查询“parcel post”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      parcel post

    Under no circumstances should users return videotapes via Parcel Post or regular mail.


    Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124-4398 Mail and parcel post for a resident student should include the name of the Residence Hall in which the student lives.


    Parcel Post analysis was not performed because Standard B information was not available on a line item basis.


    Parcel Post, and the shipping cost is included in the reprint price.


    Biopsies from Sarawak were sent i n 10% buffered formalin via normal parcel post.



    Aiming at present situation of storage technology and management level of parcel post and delivery at home, the role of automatic stereo ware house in the development and improvement of storage and management level as well as in the promotion of national economic development is discussed.The general configuration of stereo warehouse for automatic storage and delivery of postal parcels,the variety of equipments,and the manner of computer management and control are analyzed in detail and preliminary...

    Aiming at present situation of storage technology and management level of parcel post and delivery at home, the role of automatic stereo ware house in the development and improvement of storage and management level as well as in the promotion of national economic development is discussed.The general configuration of stereo warehouse for automatic storage and delivery of postal parcels,the variety of equipments,and the manner of computer management and control are analyzed in detail and preliminary investigated and discussed.


    >=: In this paper, aiming at present situation of storage technology and management level of parcel post and delivery at home ,the role of automatic stereo-warehouse in the development and improvement of storage and management level as well as in the promotion of national economic development is discussed . Automatic stereo-warehouse of postal parcels has its feature. Due to adopting advanced storage technology, automation of information management and delivery operation of postal parcels is...

    >=: In this paper, aiming at present situation of storage technology and management level of parcel post and delivery at home ,the role of automatic stereo-warehouse in the development and improvement of storage and management level as well as in the promotion of national economic development is discussed . Automatic stereo-warehouse of postal parcels has its feature. Due to adopting advanced storage technology, automation of information management and delivery operation of postal parcels is realized .The general configuration of stereo-warehouse for automatic storage and delivery of postal parcels, the variety of equipments, and the manner of computer management and control are analyzed in detail and preliminary investigated and discussed.







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