[Abstract]:The lower extremities exoskeleton robot, as a key rehabilitative medical device to help the paraplegia or the inconvenient old people to restore the walking function, can help the patients recover or recover part of the movement function. In view of the patient's own physical defects, it is necessary to avoid the occurrence of two injuries, thus ensuring the patient to wear the lower limb exoskeleton machine. In this paper, based on its functional requirements and actual use, a set of intelligent sensing system is developed to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the lower limb exoskeleton robot and to improve the wearer's comfort. According to the principle of the sensor and the characteristic curve of the input and output of the signal, the sensor is calibrated, and the measurement accuracy of the sensor is greatly improved. In order to realize the functional requirement of the foot system, the inertial measurement unit platform is designed and made. It can accurately measure the three dimensional attitude data and step size and step gait data of the lower limb exoskeleton robot in the walking process, and feed this data to the main control system to provide the necessary information for the actual adjustment of the walking state. The order and size determine the walking gait cycle and stage division. Based on the pressure sensor, the position coordinates of the foot pressure center of the lower limb exoskeleton robot are calculated by the principle of zero moment, which provides the data support for the good stability of the walking time. Each sensor function of the sensor system is used to collect the data of each sensor in the walking experiment of the lower limb exoskeleton robot. This data is used as a training sample, and the support vector machine modeling method is used to make the lower limb exoskeleton robot learn and train the experimental training samples. Further, based on the machine learning results, the wearer's movement is carried out. The results show that this method has a good effect on the wearer's movement intention recognition function. At the same time, when the system can effectively reduce manual control, the lower limb exoskeleton robot can significantly improve the wearer's comfort from the delay of receiving the command to the execution command.
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