[Abstract]:With the development of national economy, people's living standard has been improved, and travel and tourism has become a part of life. Nowadays, people travel not only to one tourist spot, but also to many scenic spots. Therefore, how to plan tourism routes has become a problem that must be solved. The existence of a large number of tourism websites makes it possible for people to publish vast amounts of tourism-related information on the website, according to which tourists can make their own travel plans. However, the information on these travel websites is often scattered and lack of structured features, and it is difficult for ordinary tourists to make perfect travel routes based on these information. Therefore, the study of tourism recommendation has gradually attracted the attention of scholars. Time-dependent travel time and user preferences are the two most important factors in the actual travel process. In this paper, we mainly consider these two factors while planning the trip, which is called Multi-Objective Time-Dependent Orienteering problem (MOTDOP). For short). Dealing with multiple preference and time dependent travel time presents a challenging optimization task in this NP-hard problem. On the basis of extensive and in-depth reference to domestic and foreign literature, this paper describes the multi-objective optimization problem and the time-dependent travel time problem, and combines the two factors together to carry out in-depth theoretical research and experimental analysis. The main contents are as follows: firstly, the theory of multi-objective optimization is introduced, the multi-objective optimization model is proposed, and the concept of Pareto optimal solution for multi-objective optimization problem and the traditional multi-objective optimization method are expounded. This paper introduces the related concepts, objective function and constraint conditions of the traditional orientation problem, the theoretical basis of ant colony algorithm and the improvement of the related algorithm. Then, a mathematical model of multi-objective time dependent orientation problem (MOTDOP) is proposed in this paper. In order to solve this problem, In this paper, two meta-heuristic methods, Multi-Objective Memetic algorithm (MOMA) and Multi-objective Ant Colony System, (MOACS).), are described in the form of flow chart and pseudo-code. Finally, two sets of benchmark examples are generated to evaluate the proposed algorithm and compare it with other algorithms. Experimental studies show that MOMA and MOACS try to find better solutions.
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