[Abstract]:[Objective] With the application of modern agricultural information technology and the development of drip irrigation technology, the popularization and planting of protected agricultural crops in northern and southern Xinjiang have been rapidly rising. However, most of the irrigation water and fertilizer application in protected agriculture are unrestrained, wasted seriously and the utilization rate is low. How to improve the utilization efficiency of water, fertilizer and land resources In view of this, it is necessary to develop a set of low-cost, high-efficiency and practical automatic water and fertilizer integration system suitable for China's national conditions as well as Xinjiang's local conditions. The system is applied to the establishment in combination with the cultivation techniques of yellow sand substrate. On the cultivation of agricultural crops, it is not only the need of modern agriculture development, but also the key to drive the sustainable development of arid eco-agriculture in Xinjiang and minority areas. Controller) technology and touch screen technology combined, through the touch screen interface selection pool and tap water two irrigation water sources, set manual and automatic two water and fertilizer operation modes, water and fertilizer parameters, can achieve water and fertilizer timing quantitative and automatic control. Two fertilizer suckers control electric ball valves, four irrigation electric ball valves, submersible pumps, centrifugal pumps, level meters and other PVC pipe components, using electric ball valves as irrigation and fertilization switching controls combined with Venturi fertilizer suckers can evenly and steadily achieve the same crop or different crop water and fertilizer control in four greenhouses, at the same time for different crops. Soil moisture acquisition system consists of three parts: soil moisture / EC sensor, wireless acquisition module and wireless transmission module. The design of this module can precisely control and real-time adjust the content and conductivity of crop rhizosphere irrigation water. The automatic water and fertilizer integration system based on PLC control realized the application of water and fertilizer in four greenhouse greenhouses of different crops by setting the water and fertilizer parameters of different growth stages, the ratio of N, P, K and micro-fertilizer, and the combination of yellow sand as the cultivation substrate and system. Precision control. PLC + touch screen is used as control center module, which is stable and reliable. The irrigation device is directly controlled by PLC through an independent pipe, and the irrigation is started by touching the button of the display screen. When the sensor detects that the soil volumetric water content reaches the pre-set water content, the irrigation mode is automatically closed. The channel can be opened in parallel with the irrigation pipeline independently, and the purpose of precise fertilization can be achieved by monitoring the EC value of soil and controlling the amount of fertilizer. The water/EC sensor can realize the timely and quantitative supply and real-time regulation of water and fertilizer for the dynamic monitoring of soil moisture and EC value of crop roots. Through the demonstration of the facility Park in the north and south of Xinjiang, it shows that through the design and control of irrigation parameters, fertilizer ratio, fertilizer parameters in different growth stages of crops, watermelon cultivated under the control of the automatic integrated water and fertilizer system. In the whole growth period, the volume water content of the substrate was maintained at 10%~22%, 15%~22.5%, EC value was 0.32 m S/cm~1.25 m S/cm, 0.21 m S/cm~1.15 m S/cm. The standardized cultivation of watermelon in the Facility Garden of Pishan Farm in South Xinjiang and the precision control of water and fertilizer in the Facility Garden of Yili Yiqun in North Xinjiang were realized.
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