[Abstract]:Bobbin yarn is the final product of spinning enterprises. At present, domestic spinning enterprises mainly rely on manual packing of bobbin yarn. Under the situation of shortage of workers in textile enterprises, packing and palletizing of package yarn with automatic machine instead of manual is an inevitable way to solve this problem. The automatic packaging machine for package yarn has been developed in foreign countries, but it can not be fully automated. It needs manual participation in several links, and the cost is high. As a high speed, intelligent and automatic packaging equipment in textile industry, automatic package system for package yarn is a large-scale packaging production line with on-line inspection, precision machinery and real-time control, which requires all parts to coordinate with each other. At the same time, the reliability and stability of the whole system are guaranteed. Based on the analysis of package process of bobbin yarn, this paper studies and designs the automatic packing system of bobbin yarn by using the knowledge of automatic control, mechanical automation, computer technology, instrument, communication network and so on. In order to accurately control the weight of a single bag, a package and palletizing control system for woven bags of bobbin yarns is proposed. The system consists of upper computer and five lower machine modules with different functions. By controlling the weight deviation of single yarn, the weight deviation of single bag yarn can be accurately controlled by the method of selecting and bagging yarn with computer counterweight. Among them, the upper computer hardware uses the industrial control board which runs the WinXP operating system, and the software is developed in the Visual Studio 2008 environment with C language. The hardware of the control unit of the lower computer module adopts the circuit board developed on the basis of single chip microcomputer, the software is developed in the KeliC software environment with C language, and the application layer protocol is established based on the communication protocol of TCP/IP and 485 communication mode. The test results show that the system can realize the automatic packing and palletizing of the package bag with the weight of single bag.
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