[Abstract]:Underwater vehicle (AUV) is one of the hot spots in ocean research. Vector propulsion as an effective propulsion method can obviously improve the propulsion performance of AUV. Some spherical parallel mechanisms have many advantages such as high stiffness, long life and so on. At the same time, they can realize the vector control of single propeller. At present, most of these mechanisms are driven by rotation and the branch chain is symmetrical. In this paper, the kinematics analysis and related simulation of the asymmetric mechanism driven by straight line are carried out, and the performance of the mechanism is studied. It provides a new idea for the design of spherical parallel mechanism for vector propulsion. The main contents are as follows: (1) the structure of UPR-SPU-UR is described and the coordinate system is established. The degree of freedom is analyzed by helical theory. The position relation of UPR-SPU-UR is analyzed by analytic method, and the positive and inverse solution of position is deduced. The velocity mapping matrix between two driving inputs and moving platform outputs of the UPR-SPU-UR parallel mechanism is obtained, which is called the speed Jacobian matrix. The multi-rigid body modeling of UPR-SPU-UR mechanism is completed by ADAMS, and its degree of freedom is verified. The kinematics simulation and dynamics simulation are completed by using the point drive and spline drive in ADAMS, and compared with the results of MATLAB simulation based on analytic method, the correctness of the theoretical derivation is verified. (2) the velocity Jacobian matrix is analyzed. The singular configuration of UPR-SPU-UR is determined. The reachable workspace is solved by synthesizing the limiting conditions such as the length of the driving chain, the angle of the motion pair, the interference of the bar and the singular configuration, and the reachable workspace of the reference point of the platform is plotted with the help of MATLAB by the method of space search. Taking the reciprocal of Jacobian matrix condition number as the criterion of dexterity, the dexterity of UPR-SPU-UR under different attitude is analyzed. Finally, the global Jacobian matrix is calculated, and the local stiffness and global stiffness maps are simulated. (3) two slender rods driving the chain are selected as flexible bodies, and the rigid-flexible hybrid simulation model is constructed by combining with ANSYS,ADAMS,. The effect of the deformation of the flexible branch chain on the whole operation of the mechanism is analyzed. Then the propeller's driving force and deflection force are explored by using the computational fluid dynamics software Fluent, and its influence on the whole operation of AUV is analyzed. Finally, the open water performance of propeller under various moving modes is studied by computational fluid dynamics. The chordal pressure distribution, pressure distribution and flow distribution of propeller blade surface are simulated respectively. The results of this paper are of great significance to the dynamics theory analysis, dimension optimization and prototype fabrication of UPR-SPU-UR.
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