[Abstract]:As a basic problem of computer vision, image retrieval has been analyzed and studied by many scholars. At the beginning of this century, people gradually realized the inherent "semantic gap" between low-level features and high-level semantic features, and began to involve semantic-based image retrieval with little effect. In recent years, depth learning technology has opened a new door for semantic image retrieval, which is beset by traditional artificial features. Compared with the traditional methods, the depth learning model has an amazing ability in mining deep-level features, and it is more likely to satisfy the semantic feature learning of images. However, deep learning itself is also in a rapid development stage, is not a fully mature tool, in the use of the process need to overcome some of the problems caused by the depth of learning itself. For example, the parameter optimization problem of depth model in practical training. At the same time, we should consider what depth model we should choose to deal with the semantic image retrieval problem. This paper reviews the development of image retrieval technology and depth learning technology. On this basis, a semantic-based image retrieval framework is proposed. The framework consists of three parts: (1) feature extraction network, which is called multi-level image semantic feature extraction network in this paper, is used to extract semantic feature; (2) feature storage structure, which reduces the dimension of the extracted feature and converts it into a format that can be calculated by the image semantic distance metric formula; (3) the image semantic distance measurement formula, by which the frame finally realizes the calculation of the image semantic distance. Multi-level image semantic feature extraction network is the core of the framework, and its performance directly affects the final accuracy of the whole framework. Unique structural design allows it to dig deeper semantics in images. The feature storage structure transforms the extracted image semantic features into a fusion feature table with lower dimension and easier to calculate, and the image semantic distance measurement formula calculates the semantic distance between images through the fusion feature table. Thus, the retrieval result sequence is generated. In the semantic-based image retrieval framework, the multi-level semantic feature extraction network can be replaced with other classification networks to flexibly deal with different images to be retrieved. The test results on multiple datasets show that the proposed framework is more accurate than the existing methods in image retrieval based on semantics.
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