[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the steel industry in China, there appears the problem of price decline caused by serious overcapacity at the present stage, which results in the reduction of the profit of the iron and steel enterprises, and the competition between the same industries is intensifying day by day. Therefore, in order to reduce production cost and improve product quality, iron and steel enterprises are more and more eager to improve production efficiency and benefit through advanced production process control. In blast furnace ironmaking, the output of sintered products is used as raw material, the output of sintered products and the chemical and physical properties are up to standard, which directly limits and affects the subsequent ironmaking process. The point of sintering is the most effective parameter in the process of sinter production. In the process of analyzing the current research situation at home and abroad, the basic process of sintering production process and the control method of process parameters are first analyzed, and through in-depth analysis of the production process, Finally, four key parameters affecting the end point of sintering are determined: negative pressure value of the flue, air supply rate of the roller table, moving speed of the roller table and starting temperature of ignition. Then, the basic theory of neural network is studied, and the ability of abstracting the nonlinear relation between control parameters and results is analyzed according to the mapping of neural network. In this paper, BP neural network algorithm is used to set up the prediction model of sintering process end point to solve the problem of sintering end point prediction. On the basis of studying the characteristics of sintering process and the algorithm of BP neural network, this paper establishes a prediction model based on BP neural network for the prediction of sintering endpoint, and then verifies the network by means of simulation. The first step of the simulation is to train the network. The training sample uses the actual data collected from the production site. After the network output reaches the acceptable error, another set of process data collected in the real production environment is used to test the neural network. By analyzing the output results, it is concluded that the BP neural network prediction model can complete the training in a relatively short time, and the error between the prediction result and the expected value is small. The simulation results show that the method can be used to predict the sintering end point, and the application effect is obvious, and it has a good guiding significance for the sintering production process.
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