[Abstract]:DES evidence theory has great flexibility in the processing of uncertain information and has a wide range of applications. However, in practical applications, DES evidence theory often faces a variety of inconsistent or conflicting evidence, the quantitative measurement and composition of these conflicting evidence has caused a large number of scholars to study. This paper makes an in-depth study on the measurement of conflicting evidence, the composition of conflicting evidence and the construction of basic confidence distribution function in DES evidence theory. The main work is as follows: (1) aiming at the problem of conflict misjudgment in traditional conflict measurement and Jousselme distance metric, a method of evidence conflict measurement based on similarity coefficient and Jaccard coefficient matrix is proposed. In this method, the similarity coefficient between evidence is calculated, and the similarity coefficient is transformed into the conflict degree of evidence by using the Jaccard coefficient matrix. Theoretical proof and numerical calculation show that this method can effectively represent the degree of conflict between the evidence. A typical example is given to compare the proposed method with other methods, and it is shown that the proposed method can effectively measure the degree of conflict between evidence. (2) in view of the shortcomings of using conflict coefficient to identify evidence conflicts, the proposed method can be used to measure the conflict degree of evidence effectively. The Pignistic probability distance is converted into the credibility of evidence, and then the credibility and false degree of evidence are combined to construct a new correction coefficient. Then the basic confidence distribution function is discounted by using the new correction coefficient. The modified evidence is synthesized by the combination rule of DES evidence. The results of numerical examples show that the results obtained by the improved evidence combination method have the characteristics of fast convergence speed and good robustness. (3) the key problem in the application of evidence theory is the construction of basic confidence distribution function, but there is still no unified method to construct the basic confidence distribution function. The interval number distance is used to represent the difference between the attributes of the sample. On this basis, the basic confidence allocation function is obtained by normalizing the interval number distance. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by Iris Data classification experiments.
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