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  本文关键词:北盘江董箐与光照库区鱼类资源水声学调查 出处:《水生态学杂志》2015年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 鱼类资源 水声学调查 双频识别声纳仪 北盘江

【摘要】:2014年7月16-28日,首次利用双频识别声纳DIDSON对贵州北盘江光照与董箐库区的鱼类进行了水声学调查,同步进行水质监测。航线均采用"之"字形,平均航速约5 km/h,董箐库区航程15.30 km,光照库区航程总计11.57 km。同步水质监测使用Hydrolab DS5多参仪,走航过程中坐标位置由GPS(Mobile Mapper 10)读取。水质采样点上用vector Pluse多普勒点式流速仪测量该点表层流速。监测期间,在各个江段进行水声学探测后,使用网目6 cm的流刺网在水体底层进行生物采样。董箐库区体长50~100 cm鱼所占比例为49.48%,光照库区体长20~50 cm鱼比例达60.55%。董箐库区的鱼类多分布在0~15 m的中上层水层,而光照库区的鱼类多集中在15~30 m的中下层水层。各水层分布的鱼类数量,董箐库区相差不大,而光照库区差异较大。2库区表层水体中温度、溶氧和叶绿素a值存在显著差异;中层水体中温度、溶氧和叶绿素a值差异显著;底层水体的温度和溶氧差异显著。董箐与光照库区表层水流流速差异显著。鱼类平均密度董箐库区为(17 240±6 240)×103尾/km3,光照库区为(11 750±1 860)×103尾/km3。董箐库区探测江段共收集渔获物94 580.62 g,鱼类20种、231尾;放流的长臀洜C.bouderius、光倒刺渻S.hollandi、白甲鱼O.sima和花鱼骨H.maculats占渔获物重量66.17%、数量44.23%。光照库区探测段共收集渔获物92 165.45 g,鱼类13种、155尾;放流的4种鱼占渔获物重量28.22%、数量31.41%。北盘江梯级电站开发以来,董箐和光照库区现存鱼类资源密度偏低,但生长结构基本合理。
[Abstract]:In July 2014 16-28, for the first time using dual frequency identification sonar DIDSON on Guizhou Beipan River light and Dong Qingku fish in the area of hydroacoustic survey, synchronous water quality monitoring. Routes are using "" shape, the average speed of about 5 km/h, Qingku Dong District range of 15.30 km, a total of 11.57 km in the range of light. The synchronous water quality monitoring uses the Hydrolab DS5 multi parameter instrument. The coordinate position of the navigation process is read by GPS (Mobile Mapper 10). The surface velocity of the point was measured by vector Pluse Doppler point flow meter at the sampling point of water quality. During the monitoring period in each section of the underwater acoustic detection theory, using 6 mesh gillnet cm biological sample in the water bottom. Dong Qingku area long 50~100 cm fish accounted for 49.48%, in the light of body length 20~50 cm fish ratio reached 60.55%. Dong Qingku fish in the area are located in 0~15 m in the upper layer, and the light in the fish more concentrated in the 15~30 m in the lower layer. The number of the water distribution of fish, Dong Qingku area had little difference, but in different light. 2, there are significant differences in temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a value in the surface water of the reservoir area. The temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a value in the middle layer are significantly different, and the temperature and dissolved oxygen in the bottom water are significantly different. The surface flow velocity difference between Dong Qing and light reservoir area is significant. The average density of Dong area is Qingku fish (17240 + 6240) * 103 /km3 tail light, reservoir area (11750 + 1860) * 103 tail /km3. Dong District of Qingku detection catches were collected 94580.62 g, 20 species of fish, 231 long tail; and hip C.bouderius, because Spinibarbus S.hollandi, a surname white turtle O.sima and fish bone H.maculats catches the weight of 66.17%, accounting for the number of 44.23%. The light detection section of reservoir catches were collected 92165.45 g, 13 species of fish, 4 fish and 155 tail; for catch weight of 28.22%, number 31.41%. Since the Beipanjiang Dongqing Hydropower Stations, and light in the existing fish resources in low density, but the basic structure of rational growth.
【作者单位】: 三峡大学水利与环境学院;三峡地区地质灾害与态环境湖北省协同创新中心;贞丰县农业局;
【基金】:水利部公益性行业科研专项(201201030) 贵州北盘江电力股份有限公司合作项目(SDHZ2012136)
【正文快照】: 北盘江发源于曲靖市马雄山西北坡,与南盘江在贵州省望谟县蔗香交汇形成红水河,全长441.9 km,流域位于24°50'~26°50'N、103°50'~106°15'E,其干流分为上游、中游、下游3段。云南省沾益县马雄山至贵州省六盘水市水城县都格为上游段,都格至贵州省安顺市关岭县板贵乡付家寨(打


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