本文关键词:我国稀土资源保护法律问题研究 出处:《河北地质大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As everyone knows, rare earth resources, known as the "industrial vitamin", has a very important strategic position in industrial applications. Because the alternatives are non renewable resources, poor application effect of rare earth resources, it is more valuable. Chinese rare earth resources not only abundant reserves, and a complete, well known as "rare earth kingdom". But the rare earth the resources of our country and did not get its strategic value of peer attention. In the exploitation, some small businesses because of weak technical force, the government planning supervision is not in place due to excessive digging phenomenon is serious, the inefficient use of resources, serious environmental damage; in foreign trade, China's exports of rare earths smuggling disorder serious imbalance, export product structure, a large number of low-cost resources outflow. Facing the development and utilization of rare earth resources in our country, we must rely on legal means to regulate orders. The fundamental principle of guidance before the constitution under the < >, < > in the law of mineral resources as the basis, China has formed several associated with rare earth protection or the protection of the special regulations of the rare earth gradually in the protection of rare earth resources, departmental rules and local regulations, but there are still rare earth resources and high effect level law vacancy, administrative regulations, departmental rules messy, local legislation is not perfect, the problem of national law and free trade coordination mechanism is not to be solved. The externality theory, the theory of mineral resources exhaustion, existing resource curse theory, provides a theoretical basis for perfecting the protection of rare earth resources as a strategic resource. The world powers have taken various measures to prevent the outflow of reserves of rare earth resources, especially the United States, Japan and Germany in the aspects of the system of protection of rare earth resources is characteristic, we should learn from us. It should be through thinking of macro and micro related issues on the protection of rare earth resources existing in our country, the foreign successful management mode, improve the legal system, from the legislative system of rare earth resources, strengthen the legal regulation of the rare earth market, perfect the relevant legal system and environmental protection development of rare earth resources in three aspects, on the basis of me China's rare earth resources protection practice, to explore a path of development of rare earth resources protection and development needs of the times.
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