本文关键词:第二松花江流域(丰满以下)傍河取水对区域水资源的影响分析 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 傍河取水 地下水资源评价 地下水允许开采量 第二松花江流域
[Abstract]:Wellfields nearby river has water stability, good water quality, easy to focus on the exploitation of the advantages, and the riverside pumping water is one of the widely used. In the near river water groundwater allowable exploitation quantity, must consider the riverside pumping area of surface water, water quality and water conditions of groundwater, hydraulic connection degree groundwater and surface water and water near the river environment. In this paper, the second Songhua River basin (full below) as the study area, the Songhua River along the second main stream and tributaries of Yinma River near the river water suitability evaluation as the foundation, established the simulation model of hydrogeological conceptual model and numerical inversion of the study area, the area the hydrogeological parameters, the completion of the identification and validation of the model. The groundwater numerical simulation model based on the covariant relationship between groundwater exploitation and groundwater level drawdown as the foundation, comprehensive consideration The groundwater exploitation efficiency and environmental impact evaluation, respectively 5 riverside pumping suitable areas in different atmospheric rainfall guaranteed rate (20%, 50%, 75%, 95%) under the condition of groundwater allowable exploitation; on the basis of the design of the riverside pumping for groundwater exploitation scheme of regional, forecast and analysis of the mining scheme near the river water for regional water resources, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) in the second Songhua River area exploitation near the river great potential. In 5 near the river water in the suitable region, 95% guarantee rate under the condition of groundwater allowable withdrawal of more than 2 * 104m3/d wellfields nearby river has 4, more than 5 * 104m3/d wellfields nearby river 3, and allow exploitation of groundwater can be more than 10 * 104m3/d wellfields nearby river 1; (2) present conditions, appropriate exploitation near the river region (2) (Wulajie near Jilin city) and suitable areas (5) (near Songyuan city) to fill the river To the groundwater; the exploitation near the river to the river suitable area groundwater recharge, but rainfall guaranteed rate were increased to 75% or more, suitable region (1) (near the Longtan District of Jilin city) the transformation relationship between surface water and groundwater changes; (3) the suitable area to allow the amount in the near when the little river mining, groundwater flow on the whole second Songhua River basin form, does not change the overall regional groundwater flow, but the influence of suitable area of groundwater flow field has obvious; (4) the suitable area in to allow the amount of exploitation near the river, compared with the present conditions of mining strength remain. Groundwater discharge to reduce surface water, surface water and groundwater recharge of precipitation increased. When the guarantee rate is low, exploitation near the river on the degree of influence of each section of surface water runoff is light; when the precipitation guarantee rate is high The impact of riverside mining on surface water runoff in each section is obviously increased.
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