本文选题:城市湿地 切入点:资源调查 出处:《安徽农业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a special ecosystem formed by the interaction between land and water on the earth, wetland is an important ecological natural landscape. In recent years, Suzhou has been continuously developing its economy and building ecological civilization, while paying more and more attention to the protection planning of wetlands. This study is based on field investigation and collection of a large amount of basic data. This paper classifies the wetland resources of Suzhou city, evaluates the status quo of wetland resources protection and surrounding environment, understands the threat factors of wetland protection in Suzhou city, and analyzes and evaluates the data and status quo. Combined with domestic and foreign related protection planning model and relevant rules and regulations, The establishment of Suzhou city wetland resources protection and planning system and protection implementation countermeasures. The specific contents are as follows: 1) based on the field investigation and the results of the second Suzhou wetland resources survey, it is shown that there are two main types of wetlands in Suzhou urban planning area. One is the river wetland: there are mainly Xinbianhe and Tuohe. The other is the constructed wetland: mainly the coal mine caving area. The total area of the wetland in the urban planning area is 5061.72 hectares. On the basis of the investigation and analysis of the wetland resources in Suzhou, the overall zoning planning of the urban wetland in Suzhou is carried out. According to the characteristics of each district, the corresponding protection planning measures should be taken. (3) to explore the urban wetland protection planning model of Suzhou, and to form a applicable and practical urban wetland protection system, which can protect the wetland at the same time. To deal with the surrounding pollution, to restore and reconstruct the biological habitat, to make the protection of wetland more scientific, and to standardize the urban wetland protection plan involves the management and protection of various ecological resources, and is related to forestry. The cooperation of water conservancy, civil engineering and other departments is a complex project, which requires the cooperation of various departments and units. In order to ensure the development of urban wetland protection, this study proposes relevant safeguards and implementation measures. It is suggested to set up a management department and formulate relevant rules and regulations, and strictly implement the relevant protection planning measures. In summary, based on the investigation and data analysis of wetland resources in Suzhou City, this paper puts forward the wetland conservation theory and planning. The technology and management are combined organically to establish a suitable model for urban wetland conservation planning in Suzhou, such as planning layout and zoning of urban wetland, establishing corresponding protection system, etc. For Suzhou to formulate wetland protection planning regulations and so on to provide reference.
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