本文选题:白鲢 + 渔业资源 ; 参考:《人民长江》2016年12期
【摘要】:以2013年9月~2014年12月从鄱阳湖、赣江以及长江采集的234尾鲢鱼为样本,对当地鲢鱼的生长特点进行了研究,以分析各江段鲢鱼资源。采集到的鲢鱼体长范围为120.0~780.0 mm,体量范围为31.1~9 278.5 g。采用Key公式拟合了鲢鱼体长与体重的关系,发现鲢鱼质量与体长呈明显的幂函数关系,表明该江段白鲢为匀速生长类型。用Von Bertalanffy方程对鲢鱼的生长速度进行了拟合,发现鲢鱼群体的生长拐点为5.6龄,拐点体长64.1 cm,拐点体重5 139.7 g,说明当5.6龄白鲢是该江段最佳的捕捞年龄。与其它江段相比,鄱阳湖、赣江以及长江白鲢的生长性能和年龄结构表现出一定的衰退趋势,因此,应从加强渔政管、设立禁渔期、合理控制网箱养鱼以及建立保护区等方面对白鲢资源进行保护。
[Abstract]:From September 2013 to December 2014, 234 silver carp were collected from Poyang Lake, Ganjiang River and Yangtze River as samples. The growth characteristics of silver carp were studied in order to analyze the silver carp resources in each section of the river. The body length and body weight of silver carp were 120. 0 and 78. 0 mm, and 9 278.5 g 路L ~ (-1) 路L ~ (-1) 路L ~ (-1) 路m ~ (-1), respectively. The relationship between body length and body weight of silver carp was fitted by Key formula. It was found that the relationship between silver carp mass and body length was obviously power function, which indicated that the silver carp in the river segment was a uniform growth type. The growth rate of silver carp was fitted by Von Bertalanffy equation. It was found that the growth inflection point of silver carp population was 5.6 years old, the inflection point was 64.1 cm long, and the inflexion weight was 5 139.7 g, which indicated that the best fishing age was 5.6-year-old silver carp. Compared with other sections of the river, the growth performance and age structure of Poyang Lake, Ganjiang River and Yangtze River silver carp show a certain decline trend. The resources of silver carp were protected in the aspects of reasonable control of cage fish culture and establishment of protected area.
【作者单位】: 塔里木大学生命科学学院;华中农业大学水产学院;三峡大学;
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