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发布时间:2018-09-18 13:32
[Abstract]:In recent years, rural tourism is more and more popular with consumers. This new form of tourism plays a positive role in inheriting history and culture, stimulating consumption demand, accelerating farmers' income, optimizing industrial structure, and promoting the development of urban and rural areas. This paper takes Maicheng Xinghua Village in Hubei Province as the research object, analyzes the present situation of Xinghua Village's tourism resources development by using SWOT method, and puts forward the basic conception and solution of Xinghua Village's tourism development. Based on literature review, field investigation, qualitative and quantitative evaluation, this paper studies the development of tourism resources in Xinghua Village, starting with the resource conditions of local Xinghua Village. Referring to the relevant information on the tourism development of Xinghua Village, consulting the policies and measures of the state, provinces and cities to promote rural tourism at the present stage, exploring and putting forward the preliminary planning plan for the tourism development of Xinghua Village, In order to promote the development of local tourism resources file upgrade to provide a certain reference. The results are as follows: first, combing and analyzing the basic situation of maicheng apricot flower village. Xinghua Village is the sixth batch of "famous Village of Chinese History and Culture" announced in 2014. It has been appraised as "famous Village of Tourism in Hubei Province", "the most Beautiful Village in Hubei Province" and "National AAA level Scenic spot". The village is located in the hilly mountains, with lakes, fruit forests, green space, tourism resources are very rich, with the following characteristics: good ecology, beautiful mountains and rivers, colorful folklore, heavy humanities. At the same time, as far as the degree of development is concerned, Xinghua Village is a new tourist district that has just started to develop and build. From the analysis and evaluation of tourism resources and field investigation, it is found that Xinghua Village is beautiful in landscape, gathering in literature, and pastoral style. Suitable for rural tourism and leisure tourism as the characteristics of the tourist area. Secondly, based on the present situation of Maicheng apricot village, the feasibility of tourism resources development is judged by SWOT method. It is found that the advantages of Xinghua Village are: superior geographical location, convenient transportation conditions, rich tourism resources, weak landscape foundation, incomplete supporting facilities, obsolete brand marketing, lagging management mode and vague market positioning. Opportunities include the arrival of the era of mass tourism, the rise of holiday tourism, the implementation of paid vacation, the upsurge of leisure vacation, the favorable policies and guidelines, the threat of market competition, the pressure of industrial upgrading, and the weakness of subsequent investment. Finally, aiming at the actual situation of Xinghua Village's tourism resources, the author puts forward the planning opinions of Xinghua Village's tourism resources from the aspects of tourism product development, image marketing planning, sustainable development and so on. The specific schemes are: scientific planning, rational distribution of tourism space; Highlight characteristics, focus on the development of tourism products; brand, marketing and promotion of tourism image; green development, protect a good ecological environment; harmonious development, actively promote community participation; government led, optimize the tourism policy environment.


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