[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, the contradiction between population, resources and environment is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, the issue of carrying capacity of resources and environment has become one of the focal issues concerned by the governments of various countries (regions). By investigating and analyzing the present situation and problems of resources and environment in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, this paper selects land resources, water resources, biological resources, mineral resources, eco-geological environment, water environment and atmospheric environment as the criteria for evaluation. On the basis of the evaluation of the seven single factors mentioned above, the comprehensive evaluation of the carrying capacity of resources and environment of the whole region is carried out by using the state space method, taking the county (city, district) as the evaluation unit. The results show that the biological resources in the whole area are abundant, the quality of atmosphere and water environment is good, the geological environment is stable, and the restrictive factors are mainly land resources, water resources and mineral resources. The carrying capacity of resources and environment in the whole region is loadable, but in some counties (cities and districts) it is overloaded. It is feasible to study the comprehensive carrying capacity of regional resources and environment by using the state space method, which has the advantages of clear meaning and high evaluation precision. It can provide another way for the comprehensive carrying capacity evaluation of regional resources and environment.
【作者单位】: 江西农业大学南昌市景观与环境重点实验室;
【基金】:江西省教育厅科技项目(GJJ13263) 江西农业大学科学研究基金自由申请项目(2010年) 国家自然科学基金项目(41161031)资助
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