[Abstract]:The carrying capacity of land is an important embodiment of sustainable development. With the large-scale urbanization, it occupies more and more land resources, and realizing the sustainable development of land resources has become the goal of social development. It has become a hot issue to evaluate the carrying capacity of land resources. Shenyang economic zone is the core region of the national important equipment manufacturing base and Liaoning province economic development. The land and space population and industry agglomeration is obvious, the urbanization rate is relatively high, and it is the fourth largest urban agglomeration in China. At the same time, Shenyang economic zone is rich in total land and space resources. The amount of cultivated land, forests, grassland and water resources are 28300 square kilometers, 31300 square kilometers, 1900 square kilometers and 14.74 billion cubic meters respectively. There are a wide range of energy and mineral resources, such as iron, coal, magnesite, talc, jade, marble and other mineral resources, all of which occupy an important position in China. At present, the economy, population and society of Shenyang's economic zone are all exerting pressure on water and soil resources and the environment. Ecological reserves, old industrial base Zhenxing district, poor areas and rapid urbanization areas of urban and rural planning and regional overall development problems. The main contents of this study are as follows: (1) the first and second parts, firstly, the basis of the topic is expounded, and the significance of the topic is emphasized. At last, the thesis frame and technical route are constructed, from the theory of sustainable development, the theory of land ecology, the sustainable utilization of land resources. Ecological vulnerability theory and ecological footprint theory and other aspects of the main related theories of land carrying capacity. (2) the third and fourth parts, the sustainability of land resources carrying capacity evaluation analysis. It can be divided into two categories: one is the assessment of carrying capacity of land resources based on land classification, the emphasis is to evaluate the carrying capacity of cultivated land population and the population carrying capacity of construction land; Based on the evaluation results of two types of land, the comprehensive evaluation of carrying capacity of land resources is carried out. The second is the evaluation of land ecosystem carrying capacity based on ecological footprint, which focuses on the general situation of land ecosystem and the evaluation of land ecosystem carrying capacity in the study area. The future ecosystem carrying capacity of the study area is forecasted. (3) the fifth and sixth parts, combined with the overall situation of land use in Shenyang Economic Zone and the results of the evaluation and analysis of the carrying capacity of the economic zone, are based on the ecological matrix. The ecological infrastructure pattern of the study area is constructed by the three elements of ecological plaque and ecological corridor, and the policy suggestions on the optimal allocation of land resources in Shenyang Economic Zone are put forward.
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