[Abstract]:The inefficient utilization of water resources has become a "new normal" problem in the economic development of various provinces, resulting in endless transboundary water disputes and water pollution incidents. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate the relationship between economic and social development and water resources consumption. Improve equity of water use between regions. With the help of comparative column map, weighted coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient and Thiel index, the differences of water resources utilization in different provinces of China are analyzed by selecting the indexes of water resources endowment, population, total GDP and total water use, and by means of comparative column map, weighted coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient and Thiel index, etc. According to the main uses of water resources consumption and the serious situation of water resources pollution, the matching index of water use is constructed from two angles of view of economy and ecology, and the equity of water resources consumption in each province is evaluated by exponential matrix. So as a whole, the use of water resources in all provinces of the country is judged. The research shows that the Gini coefficient of domestic water is 0.311 based on population weighting, and the difference of Gini coefficient of each province is small, and the consumption of domestic water is relatively fair. However, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Ningxia and other provinces water endowment and water consumption are not in harmony, Tibet, Sichuan, Guangdong and other provinces have not been effectively given full play to the advantages of resource endowment; The difference of economic water use in each province is obvious, and the regional difference of the eastern water use index is obviously higher than that of the intraregional difference. The contribution rate of the eastern region water use Tyr index is 62.92%, the main contribution rate of the water use index is 62.92%. About 10 times as much as in the west; There are only 5 provinces with dual strong economic and ecological benefits of water resources, while 23 provinces are all of single strong economic or ecological benefits, and there are 3 provinces with weak economic and ecological benefits. It also shows that the economic output or water pollution discharge of most provinces in China is asymmetric and unfair relative to the total water consumption. According to the results of the study, the following suggestions are made: for different provinces, it is necessary for the state to formulate corresponding policies to change the differences of water use in different provinces at present, and to promote the distribution of water to be more equitable. In addition, every province should respond positively to the national macro policy and develop the superior industry according to the difference of its own economic development and resource endowment, so as to optimize the equity of water use among regions.
【作者单位】: 河海大学低碳经济研究所;江苏省"世界水谷"与水生态文明协同创新中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“绿色水资源利用效率的空间异质性及其与新型城镇化的耦合”(编号:41301620) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金项目“江苏农村水污染治理机制研究”(编号:2012SJD790023) 河海大学中央高校基金项目(编号:2013B09414)
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