发布时间:2019-05-24 13:29
【摘要】:根据水资源生态足迹的基本原理和计算模型,对福建省2004-2012年水资源生态足迹和生态承载力进行了分析.结果表明:福建省水资源生态足迹在0.86~0.92 hm2之间,呈现周期性变化,农业用水消耗生态足迹占50%~60%.在水资源生态承载力上,年际变化差异大,受年降水量影响作用显著,且主要以地表水为主.在空间上,水资源生态足迹和水资源生态盈余均差异明显.闽西地区人均水资源生态足迹较高,闽东地区较低.各地市均为水资源生态盈余,且闽西盈余值大.在收敛与发散中,闽西3市总体上为向上发散状况,即人均生态足迹向上偏离全省平均值,闽东基本处于向上收敛的情况,闽南的厦门、漳州2市则为向下收敛.在时序演进上,福建省和各地级市万元GDP水资源生态足迹均为下降态势,其中福州下降相对值在20%左右,其余地市保持在60%以上.
[Abstract]:According to the basic principle and calculation model of water resources ecological footprint, the ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity of water resources in Fujian Province from 2004 to 2012 were analyzed. The results showed that the ecological footprint of water resources in Fujian Province varied periodically between 0.86 hm2 and 0.92 min, and the ecological footprint of agricultural water consumption accounted for 50% 鈮,
[Abstract]:According to the basic principle and calculation model of water resources ecological footprint, the ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity of water resources in Fujian Province from 2004 to 2012 were analyzed. The results showed that the ecological footprint of water resources in Fujian Province varied periodically between 0.86 hm2 and 0.92 min, and the ecological footprint of agricultural water consumption accounted for 50% 鈮,