[Abstract]:Intensive sea use is a relatively scientific, efficient and ecological way of using the sea, but it is inevitable to occupy and consume marine resources. Therefore, it is particularly important to carry out the scientific assessment of the impact of intensive sea use on marine resources and to minimize the impact of intensive sea use on marine resources. By analyzing the influence of intensive sea use engineering on marine resources, this paper clarifies the main contents and ideas of the impact assessment of intensive sea use engineering on marine resources, and constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system based on marine living resources, marine space resources, port and waterway resources, coastal tourism resources and other resources from the point of view of the complexity of marine resources and their development and utilization. Among them, the influence of intensive sea use engineering on marine living resources is reflected from the aspects of zooplankton, benthos and fish organisms, the influence of intensive sea use engineering on sea area space resources is reflected from the aspects of coastal wetlands, shoreline and sea area space utilization, and the influence of port waterway resources under the influence of intensive sea use engineering is reflected from the aspects of hydrodynamic change and port resource utilization. The influence of intensive sea use project on coastal tourism resources is reflected from the density of tourism resources, and the influence of intensive sea use project on other resources is reflected from the aspects of mineral resources and energy resources utilization. On this basis, according to the present situation of marine resources investigation and assessment in China, the weight, evaluation standard and evaluation grade of each evaluation index of the impact of intensive sea use on marine resources are studied and established, and the comprehensive evaluation model of intensive sea use on marine resources based on assignment method and comprehensive evaluation method is established, and the comprehensive evaluation index I is used to reflect the influence degree of intensive sea use engineering on marine resources. The influence of intensive sea use on marine resources in Caofeidian area is evaluated by using this evaluation method. The results show that the intensive sea use in this area has a great influence on marine resources, and the intensive sea use project in this area should be strictly controlled.
【作者单位】: 河北农业大学海洋学院;中国环境管理干部学院;
【基金】:海洋公益性行业科研专项资助项目(201005009) 河北省应用基础研究计划重点基础研究项目(13963302D,15963301D) 河北省科学技术研究与发展计划项目(12453571)
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