发布时间:2018-08-22 19:43
【摘要】:正患者女,15岁。主因间断腹胀、腹痛半月余就诊。患者无明确既往病史,无工业毒物、粉尘、放射性物质接触史。腹部彩超示:右上腹腔可见多个大小不等的低回声团,边界尚清,内回声欠均,最大者大小约66 mm×58 mm×42 mm,彩色多普勒及能量图:内可见丰富的枝状血流信号(图1~2)。手术及病理示:大网膜组织一块,内见结节型肿物数枚,直径1.5~6cm,最大者切面实性灰白色、质中。免疫组化:HMB45(-),MelanA(-),PLAP(-),
[Abstract]:The patient is 15 years old. The main cause of intermittent abdominal distension, abdominal pain more than half a month to see a doctor. There was no clear history of disease, no history of exposure to industrial poisons, dust and radioactive substances. Abdominal color ultrasound showed that several hypoechoic clusters of different sizes were seen in the right upper abdominal cavity, the boundary was clear, the inner echo was not even, the largest size was about 66 mm 脳 58 mm 脳 42 mm. Color Doppler and energy images showed abundant dendritic blood flow signals (Fig. 1 / 2). The surgical and pathological findings showed that there were several nodular masses in the omentum with a diameter of 1.5 ~ 6 cm, the largest of which was solid grayish white. Immunohistochemistry: HMB45 (-) MelanA (-) plap (-),
【作者单位】: 河北省人民医院超声科;
[Abstract]:The patient is 15 years old. The main cause of intermittent abdominal distension, abdominal pain more than half a month to see a doctor. There was no clear history of disease, no history of exposure to industrial poisons, dust and radioactive substances. Abdominal color ultrasound showed that several hypoechoic clusters of different sizes were seen in the right upper abdominal cavity, the boundary was clear, the inner echo was not even, the largest size was about 66 mm 脳 58 mm 脳 42 mm. Color Doppler and energy images showed abundant dendritic blood flow signals (Fig. 1 / 2). The surgical and pathological findings showed that there were several nodular masses in the omentum with a diameter of 1.5 ~ 6 cm, the largest of which was solid grayish white. Immunohistochemistry: HMB45 (-) MelanA (-) plap (-),
【作者单位】: 河北省人民医院超声科;
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