[Abstract]:Objective to investigate and analyze the anxiety and social support of nurses. Methods the self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and the Social support rating scale (SSRS) were used to investigate the anxiety and social support status of the employed nurses. The anxiety status of the nurses with different backgrounds was compared with that of the domestic norm. Results the difference between SAS,SSRS and Chinese norm was statistically significant (t = 21.54, P = 10.85, P0.01). There were significant differences in anxiety scores among nurses in different hospitals (t = 5.37 / P0.01), total incidence of moderate and severe anxiety among nurses with different academic qualifications (蠂 ~ 2 / 11.08 / P0.01), and total incidence of moderate and severe anxiety among current and past nurses (蠂 ~ 2 / 11.08 / P0.01). The difference of birth rate was statistically significant (蠂 ~ 2 ~ (6.03) P 0.05). Conclusion the anxiety rate of nurses during the application period is higher than that of norm, the level of social support is lower than that of norm, and the anxiety rate of junior college degree and current candidate nurses is more serious.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学同济医学院附属梨园医院;
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