[Abstract]:The clinical symptoms of mental sub-health (psychological suboptimal health) are various and there are no specific biochemical indexes closely related to it. Therefore, the discrimination and diagnosis of mental sub-health has become the focus and difficulty in the current research. The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate urine biomarkers for clinical diagnosis, and to provide evidence for clinical diagnosis of mental subhealth. The fasting morning urine samples were collected from 24 subhealthy subjects and 18 healthy controls. The fasting morning urine was pretreated and tested by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,1H-NMR). Single variable, multivariate statistics and random forest algorithm were used to analyze the data. Proline, phenylalanine, cucurbitine, ketoglutaric acid, alanine, citric acid, indole sulfate were found. The concentrations of lactic acid, creatine, taurine and triglyceride were significantly different among the 11 metabolites (P0.05 / 0.01), suggesting that they could be used as candidate biomarkers for diagnosis. The ability to diagnose biomarkers was further evaluated with (receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC and area under the curve (area under the curve,AUC). The results showed that the diagnostic ability of single biomarker for mental sub-health was lower, but the diagnostic ability of citric acid, cucurbitine and propanol was significantly improved (AUC=0.8) after the combination of citric acid, cucurbitine and propanol. These results suggest that citric acid, cucurbitine and propanetriol can be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis of mental subhealth. The discovery of biomarker group and its application are of great significance to improve the accuracy of mental subhealth diagnosis and recognition.
【作者单位】: 山西医科大学第一医院中医科;山西大学中医药现代研究中心;山西大学化学化工学院;
【基金】:山西省科技研究计划(No.201601D011122,201603D321077,201603D3113013) 山西省科技创新重点团队(No.201605D131045-18) 山西省重点实验室(No.201605D111004)~~
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