[Abstract]:Objective to summarize the practice and experience of the community rehabilitation cooperation project based on the International Classification of function, Disability and Health (ICF) and the holistic development of community rehabilitation, so as to provide reference and reflection for the process of promoting the well-off society for the disabled. Methods under the guidance of the concept of dual track system, superiority perspective and the whole human development view, the disabled people's work thought, the development and integration of community resources, the provision of individualized and accurate service, and the integration of disability affairs into the responsibilities of various departments were carried out in the light of specific tasks. According to local conditions, innovative working methods; create a good social atmosphere. Results three years after the implementation of the project, the disabled in the project county have improved in health, education, livelihood, empowerment and so on, so that the disabled can return to the society in different degrees. Conclusion the project combines the idea of international community rehabilitation with the actual situation of each project area. Through the training and project practice of "whole person development", to promote the effective operation of socialization mode, the change of disability awareness and work style, the development of "two-track mode", and to improve the service level of grass-roots rehabilitation workers in an all-round way. To promote the capacity-building of local disabled persons' associations.
【作者单位】: 中国康复研究中心;
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