[Abstract]:Objective: To clarify the situation of the end-of-life medical treatment of the emergency intensive care unit, and to know the implementation of the emergency intensive care unit in the humanistic aspects of the critically ill patients, and to find out the existing problems and to put forward the corresponding guidance or solution. And the attention of the humanistic care of the acute and severe patients is caused. Methods: The basic information was collected from November 2015 to October,2016, and all the contents were completed according to the questionnaire provided by the Ethicon II study, and the APACHE-II score was completed within 24 hours. According to the results of the survey, the end-of-life category was divided into four groups: restriction, withdrawal, restriction-evacuation, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Results: The overall incidence of the end-of-life medical treatment in the intensive care unit was 42.3%. It is a common disease in the intensive care unit (EICU). The patient and physician's religious beliefs do not affect the implementation of the end-of-life medical treatment. The main body of the end-of-life medical implement is the chief physician and the family of the patient, the family is the main sponsor, the main reason is the chronic disease. The main contents are enteral nutrition and intravenous infusion. The prognosis of death was affected by the medical insurance type and the APACHE II score. Conclusion: There is a great difference in the implementation of the end-of-the-life medical treatment in the different ICU, the country and the region; the religious belief does not affect the implementation of the last medical treatment; the economic factors are the important factors that affect the prognosis of the patient's death. In the end-of-the-life medical practice, it is found that the patient's will is insufficient, the degree of participation of the nurse is low. The method of using evidence-based medicine can communicate with the family more effectively and improve the quality of the end-of-life medical implementation.
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