发布时间:2021-08-31 22:21
癫痫是神经系统的常见病,在人群中的发病率约为0.7%。大部分患者能通过药物治疗获得很好的疗效,但是还有大约30%的患者为药物难治性癫痫。对于这些病人,手术切除致痫灶(epileptogenic zone,EZ)被认为是一种有效的治疗方案。成功手术预后的关键在于EZ的精准定位,以达到最小完整切除EZ的目的,从而确保疗效和避免副作用。手术前,主要的无创性的EZ评估方法包括头皮视频脑电图(Video-electroencephalogram,VEEG)、神经心理学、头颅核磁共振(Magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)以及发作期电临床症状学等。如果上述的方法不能精确定位EZ,临床医生就需要执行颅内脑电图(intracranial EEG,iEEG)评估,包括硬膜下电极脑电图和立体脑电图(Stereoelectro-encephalography,SEEG)。目前,对于i EEG的分析方法主要是目测法。需要有经验的脑电图医生肉眼观察每个通道的脑电图信号,寻找可能作为发作起始区域的特征(如快节律伴或不伴有前面的节律性棘波活动等)。由于电极植入量巨大(通常超过100触点),这...
【文章页数】:103 页
图 3 患者 7 环发作期大约 60s 的脑状态变化图Fig. 3 State transition in about 60s around seizure in pt 7A: A consecutive sEEG recordings in about 60s around seizure. The number above therecordings was the brain state for each seconds. B: State transition diagrams for thesame seizure.
图 1 所有患者各个被研究脑结构的 EI 值Fig. 1 Individual profiles of EI values are plotted for each patient and foreach studied structureA: Amygdala; HiA: anterior part of the hippocampus; HiP: posterior part of thehippocampus; EC: entorhinal cortex; iTp: internal part of the temporal pole; eTp:external part of the temporal pole; MTGa: anterior part of the middle temporal gyrus;MTGp: posterior part of the middle temporal gyrus; STG: superior temporal gyrus; INS:insular; OFC: orbitofrontal cortex; OP: frontal operculum
【文章页数】:103 页
图 3 患者 7 环发作期大约 60s 的脑状态变化图Fig. 3 State transition in about 60s around seizure in pt 7A: A consecutive sEEG recordings in about 60s around seizure. The number above therecordings was the brain state for each seconds. B: State transition diagrams for thesame seizure.
图 1 所有患者各个被研究脑结构的 EI 值Fig. 1 Individual profiles of EI values are plotted for each patient and foreach studied structureA: Amygdala; HiA: anterior part of the hippocampus; HiP: posterior part of thehippocampus; EC: entorhinal cortex; iTp: internal part of the temporal pole; eTp:external part of the temporal pole; MTGa: anterior part of the middle temporal gyrus;MTGp: posterior part of the middle temporal gyrus; STG: superior temporal gyrus; INS:insular; OFC: orbitofrontal cortex; OP: frontal operculum