发布时间:2018-08-24 09:38
[Abstract]:By using Tsinghua Tongfang full text Database of Chinese Journals and Chongqing Weipu Database of Chinese Science and Technology periodicals, the paper published by Anhui Food and Drug Supervision and Administration system from 2003 to 2007 is searched and counted. The statistical items include the number of papers. On the basis of the author, the author's cooperation, the journal source and the theme of the paper, the author has made a comprehensive evaluation and made the corresponding evaluation.
【作者单位】: 安徽省药物研究所安徽省中药研究与开发重点实验室;安徽省药品审评认证中心;
[Abstract]:By using Tsinghua Tongfang full text Database of Chinese Journals and Chongqing Weipu Database of Chinese Science and Technology periodicals, the paper published by Anhui Food and Drug Supervision and Administration system from 2003 to 2007 is searched and counted. The statistical items include the number of papers. On the basis of the author, the author's cooperation, the journal source and the theme of the paper, the author has made a comprehensive evaluation and made the corresponding evaluation.
【作者单位】: 安徽省药物研究所安徽省中药研究与开发重点实验室;安徽省药品审评认证中心;
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