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发布时间:2016-10-10 11:46


《Foreign Languages and Their Teaching》 2013-04

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Incorporating ethnography into critical discourse studies presents a cutting-edge trend in methodological innovation.This paper explores the discursive style as w ell as the theoretical underpinnings for them to merge together.By a review of various case studies on this development,w e highlight three aspects of ethnographic strategies that have enriched CDA,namely fieldw ork as research object and contextualization,the means of collecting data,and the academic w riting style.Based upon the traditional Chinese historiography,w e explore an indigenous ethnographic perspective,to see how the record of language and the description of actions should mutually complement and reinforce each other to achieve a balance of motion and stillness,Yin and Yang betw een language and action.It is believed that by incorporating ethnography,the style of CDA research w ill become more open and culturally sensitive,that is able to explore much broader range of social,cultural and historical issues.

【Key Words】:
【Fund】: 国家社会科学基金项目(项目编号:12BM2046);; “985工程”三期跨文化研究项目阶段性成果
【CateGory Index】: H0


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Chinese Journal Full-text Database 4 Hits

1 WU Zong-jie,YU Hua(Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China);Narrative Paradigm of Shiji and Indigenization of Ethnography[J];Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition);2011-01

2 Wu Zongjie Hou Song;Transdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Turn of Critical Discourse Studies:A Case of Remaking Chinese Cultural Heritage Discourse[J];Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;2012-06

3 Xin Bin(Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China);Critical Discourse Analysis:Criticisms and Reflections[J];Foreign Language Research;2008-06

4 GAO Bing-zhong(Institute of Sociology and Anthropology, Beijing University, Beijing 100871, China);The Establishment of the Scientific Norm for Ethnography and its Revelation[J];Thinking;2005-01


Chinese Journal Full-text Database 10 Hits

1 LI Yin-bing(School of Ethnology and Sociology The Central University for Nationalities,Beijing 100081,China);Reflection on the Quality of Ethnography[J];Journal of Dalian Nationalities University;2007-06

2 HOU Song WU Zong-jie(Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310058);Discourse Analysis and the Interpretation of Indigenous Meanings of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Wenchang Palace[J];Southeast Culture;2012-04

3 Wu Zongjie Hou Song;Transdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Turn of Critical Discourse Studies:A Case of Remaking Chinese Cultural Heritage Discourse[J];Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;2012-06

4 HOU Song WU Zong-jie(School of International Studies,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310058);The Discursive Approach to Heritage Studies: Theory,Method and Prospect[J];Southeast Culture;2013-03

5 MEI Chun-xia(College of Foreign Language,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China);Analysis of Catchwords in Critical Discourse Analysis Perspective[J];Journal of Heihe University;2011-05

6 GAO Heng-guan(Guangdong Songshan Polytechnic College,Shaoguan 512126,Guangdong);An Analysis of Folklore Ethnography[J];Journal of Longdong University;2010-04

7 ZHU Xiao-min;A Corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis of the English Translation of Report on the Work of the Government(1):First Person Plural Pronouns[J];Foreign Languages Research;2011-02

8 QIN Bailan(School of International Studies,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China);Significance of rational education in Qufu’s Gu Panchi[J];Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition);2013-03

9 HUANG Zhong-wei(Ningbo University of Technology,Ningbo,Zhejiang,315211,China);Critical Interpretation Analysis from the Perspective of Idealized Reader Framework[J];Journal of Ningbo University of Technology;2013-02

10 Yan Ming(Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China);A Foundation of Discourse Analysis:Discourse Community[J];Foreign Language Research;2009-04

【Secondary Citations】

Chinese Journal Full-text Database 7 Hits

1 GAO Bing-zhong (Beijing University, Beijing 100871, China);The Three Periods in the Development of Ethnography——Translator's Preface to Writing Culture[J];;2006-03

2 WU Zong-jie,YU Hua(Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China);Narrative Paradigm of Shiji and Indigenization of Ethnography[J];Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition);2011-01

3 ZHAO Kui-fu (School of Literature and History,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China);QU Yuan's Given Name and Style:The Author of An Old Fisherman and Choosing the Dwelling Place,When and Where It Is Written[J];Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences);2009-01

4 JIN Jiu-hong (Editorial Department of Journal,Langfang Teachers' College,Langfang,Hebei 065000,China);From the Inurbane Speech of the Boors to the Elegant Expressions in Canonical Books——A Discussion on Si Maqian's Validation and Selection of Oral Historical Materials[J];Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition);2008-01

5 TIAN Rui-wen(School of Liberal Arts,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,Jiangsu,China);Sima Qian's Understanding of Taishiling and His Writing of Shiji[J];Journal of Historical Science;2009-05

6 LIU Ning(College of Chinese language and literature,Xi'an University of Arts and Science,Xi'an 710065,Shaanxi,China);On the Narrative Style in Records of the Historian[J];Tangdu Journal;2009-04

7 HE Zhong-li, ZHOU Fang-gao (Department of History, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China );Major Causes for Misquotation & Misuse of Historical Materials[J];Journal of Zhejiang University(Humanities and Social Sciences);2005-05





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