发布时间:2018-01-01 04:01
本文关键词:再论母系继承和父系继承制下的舅权 出处:《广西民族研究》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In ethnological investigations, the issue of uncles is often involved. This custom was once considered to be associated with matrilineal systems and the product of matrilineal systems, if it appeared in a patrilineal race. It is proved that the nationality has gone through the stage of matrilineal system. However, the study of ethnology also proves that the right of uncles is not the inevitable outcome of the matrilineal society, but still has its social roots in the patrilineal society, because in all societies. Kinship must be bilateral, with individuals connected with some through their fathers and with others through their mothers, and even in the strongest patrilineal societies, matrilineal relatives are valued to a certain extent. In other words, in patrilineal society, patriarchal kinship and children's rights and obligations are the main relationship, but maternal relatives and nephew also maintain a certain relationship of rights and obligations. And very necessary.
【作者单位】: 大连大学历史学院;
【正文快照】: “舅权”的英文单词为“avunculate”,源自拉丁文“avunculus”,本意为“母亲的兄弟”。《不列颠百科全书》释“舅权”为“男子与其姐妹的孩子特别是她的儿子的特殊关系”,即指舅舅对外甥的权威关系。[1]实际上舅舅对外甥的权利根源于兄弟对姐妹的权利,因此法国结构主义人类学
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1 康文姣;;论摩梭人的舅权[J];红河学院学报;2008年03期
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