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发布时间:2018-08-31 09:15
【摘要】:中国是个伟大的国家,历史悠久,从远古时代一步步走来,途经不同 的历史发展时期,写下了一页页辉煌的文化卷册。中国也是一个民族众多 的国家,在社会发展的长河中,各民族共同创造了绚丽多彩、各具特色的 中华文化。在这个民族大家庭中,彝族是一个古老而光荣的成员。从远古 时代开始,彝族的先民就和其他各族人民一道,为缔造这个伟大国家做出 着贡献。这一贡献的突出表现,就是彝族在漫长的民族发展道路上创造了 大量的、独特的、璀璨夺目的民族文化。这些文化是彝族人民勤奋智慧的 结晶,同时也深深影响着其他民族,成为中国各族的共同财富,是中华民 族优秀文化的重要组成部分。 对彝族文化,不同学科有不同的观察角度和研究方法。民族学是一门 以民族及其文化为研究对象的科学。它对文化的理解应该是最全面的。因 此本文根据民族学的文化理论,从物质文化、制度文化和精神文化三方面 对彝族文化的内涵与特点加以探讨。 论文共分五章,各章内容如下: 第一章,彝族的起源与发展。广布于中国西南的彝族,历史悠久,源 远流长。但关于它的起源,因文献记载不甚明确,造成过学术界的长期争 论,有过东来说、西来说、南来说、北来说,乃至外来说等不同观点。但 经过近几十年来中国民族学、考古学、语言学、历史学等多学科综合研究, 基本断定,彝族是由部分从西北南下的古羌人到达金沙江南北两岸及滇中 地区后,融合了当地以濮人为主的土著部落,逐步发展而形成的。由于分 布较广,彝族先民时期便形成了很多支系。尽管如此,基于共同的地域、 共同的文化传承与民风习俗,以及历史上“罗罗”的这一共同族称,至迟 到公元13世纪的宋末元初,作为现代意义上的民族共同体,彝族已经基本 形成。 第二章,彝族的物质文化特征。一个民族的衣、食、住、行、生产工 具等物质文化的特点,都是由其特有的生存环境、生计方式决定的。追溯 历史,彝族的生计方式经历了从原如狩猎、采集、中经游牧畜牧业,发展 到了以农业为主,以及由粗放农业到精耕细作的发展过程。生产工具、衣、 食、住、行等物质文化也经历了各自的发展、变化过程,并体现了浓郁的 民族特征、地域特征和时代特征。 第三章,彝族的制度文化特征。民族学理论认为,人类要从事生产生 活等各种社会活动,必须要结成一定的社会关系、社会实体,如群体、组 织、阶级、阶层等。人类的社会活动是千差万别、纷繁复杂、不断变化的, 但只要仔细观察就会发现,这些纷繁复杂的社会活动都是遵循着一定规律 有秩序进行的,而这些群体、组织、阶级、阶层等社会集团和规范这些集 团、组织乃至个人的规律,使之按秩序行事的制度,就是制度文化的基本 内容。按照历史发展过程,彝族先民早期(原始时代)的社会制度,依次 经历了彝族文献所称“哎哺”(母系氏族公社初期)、“尼能”(母系社会繁 荣时期)、“希姆遮”(父系氏族与家族公社时期)三个阶段。族外群婚制、 对偶婚制、一夫一妻制的婚姻制度,分别是上述三个阶段制度文化的又一 显著特征。彝族的奴隶社会制度至迟公元2世纪己经存在。先后出现在西 南的滇池地区、工卜都地区、洱海地区、滇东北与黔西北地区,以及公元8 一10世纪的南诏国社会。从公元10世纪后期起,当上述地区大都陆续迈入 封建社会时,唯有四川凉山彝族社会,奴隶制度得到顽强保留,直到20世 纪50年代初。特殊的地理环境和历史因素,是凉山彝族奴隶制度长期保存 的主要原因。彝族封建社会的制度文化特征,主要是代表领主封建制的土 司制度。其中黔西北水西彝族土司制度又最具民族与地方特色。最后,本 章还专题探讨了彝族家支制度这一社会文化现象的生成、性质与基本特征。 第四章,彝族精神文化特征。民族学认为,精神文化是人类精神生产 2 的全部成果。一个民族的精神文化包括哲学、伦理、道德、法律、科学、 文学、艺术、风俗习惯和宗教信仰等等。彝族的精神文化创造成果卓著, 令世人赞叹。 彝族文字发明很早,据多方考证,应不晚于公元初的东汉时期。彝文 文献数量巨大,其中文学著作居首位,而且形式多样,内容极为丰富,它 与民间口头文学一起,是挖掘彝族优秀历史文化的资源宝库。彝族的伦理 有家庭和社会两大部分,起着规范人们社会行为的作用。彝族的哲学思想 是在理性与迷信、宗教与科学、唯心与唯物,以及辩证法与形而上学的长 期思辩中产生的,它主要反映在万物发生论、物质本源论、阴阳相配论、“五 行”“八卦”论、天人结合论、人类演化论、君民一体论等诸多论题的思辩 探讨上。彝族艺术,在音乐、舞蹈、绘画这三大主要领域,每个领域从形 式到内容都非常丰富,而且都表现出独特的民族特征。彝族的音乐与舞蹈, 既自成体系,又紧密结合。融歌舞于一体的“阿细跳月”享誉中国各地, 是彝族歌舞艺术的精华。彝族的工艺创作,品种多样,技艺精湛,尤其是 漆器,更以其玲珑优雅的造型和精美的彩绘图案闻名海内外。彝族的宗教 信仰,有本土的原始宗教,也有传入的道、佛、儒教和基督教、天主教。 彝族原始宗教主要表现为多神信仰和祖灵崇拜。宗教巫师称“毕摩”和“苏 尼”,但他之间又有司职和地位的差别。道、佛、儒教很早由内地传入,并 受到历
[Abstract]:China is a great country with a long history. It has gone through different ways from ancient times.
In the historical period of development, it has written a brilliant page of cultural volume. China is also a nation.
In the long course of social development, all nationalities have created colorful and distinctive features.
Chinese culture. The Yi people are an ancient and honorable member in this great family of nations.
Since the beginning of the era, the ancestors of the Yi nationality have joined hands with other ethnic groups to create this great country.
The outstanding contribution of this contribution is the creation of the Yi nationality on the long road of national development.
A large number of unique, dazzling national cultures. These cultures are the diligent and intelligent people of the Yi people.
Crystallization, at the same time, deeply affects other ethnic groups and becomes the common wealth of all ethnic groups in China.
An important component of excellent culture.
Ethnology is one of the different perspectives and research methods of Yi culture and different disciplines.
The science of nationality and its culture is the object of its study. Its understanding of culture should be the most comprehensive.
This article, based on the cultural theory of ethnology, consists of three aspects: material culture, system culture and spiritual culture.
The connotation and characteristics of Yi culture are discussed.
The thesis is divided into five chapters, each chapter is as follows:
Chapter 1, the origin and development of the Yi nationality. The Yi nationality, which is widely spread in Southwest China, has a long history.
Far from long, but its origin is not clear due to the lack of literature.
On the other hand, there are different points of view, such as the East, the west, the south, the north and the outside.
Over the past decades, Chinese ethnology, archaeology, linguistics, history and other subjects have been comprehensively studied.
It is basically concluded that the Yi people arrived from the ancient Qiang people from the northwest to the north and south of the Jinsha River and in Central Yunnan.
After that, the indigenous tribes of the local Pu people were gradually developed and formed.
A lot of branches were formed in the period of Yi People's ancestors.
The common cultural heritage and customs, as well as the "Luo Luo" in the history of this common race, said at the latest.
By the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the thirteenth Century, as a national community in the modern sense, the Yi people had been basically
The second chapter is about the material and cultural characteristics of the Yi nationality.
The characteristics of other material cultures are determined by their unique living environment and livelihood.
Historically, the way of livelihood of the Yi people has gone through the development of hunting, gathering, and nomadic animal husbandry.
To the development of agriculture, and from extensive agriculture to intensive farming.
Food, shelter, travel and other material culture also experienced their own development, change process, and reflected the rich.
National characteristics, regional characteristics and characteristics of the times.
The third chapter is about the characteristics of the system and culture of the Yi nationality.
All kinds of social activities such as living must form certain social relations, social entities, such as groups and groups.
The social activities of mankind are varied, complex and changing.
But as long as we observe carefully, we find that these complicated social activities follow certain rules.
These groups, such as groups, organizations, classes, classes, etc., are organized orderly and standardized.
The system of regiment, organization and even individual makes it a basic system culture.
According to the historical development process, the social system of the early Yi (primitive times) of the Yi people was in turn.
The "Yi Nu" (matriarchal commune) at the early stage of the Yi People's literature, and the "nun" (matriarchal society)
The three stages of "SIM Shah" (patriarchal clan and family commune).
The dual marriage system and monogamous marriage system are another three stages of the system culture.
The slave social system of the Yi nationality existed at the end of the second Century ad.
The southern part of Dianchi is located in the area of Erhai, the northeast of Yunnan and the northwest of Guizhou, and 8 A. D.
The Nanzhao society of Tenth Century. Since the late tenth Century, most of the above areas have entered.
In feudal society, only the Yi people in Liangshan, Sichuan, the slavery system was tenaciously retained until the 20 world.
In the early 50s, special geographical environment and historical factors were the long-term preservation of the Yi People's slavery system in Liangshan.
The main reason for the system and culture of the feudal society of Yi nationality is mainly the feudal system of the feudal lords.
The system of chieftain of the Yi people in the northwest of Guizhou has the most ethnic and local characteristics.
The chapter also discusses the formation, nature and basic characteristics of the social and cultural phenomenon of the family system of the Yi nationality.
The fourth chapter is about the spiritual and cultural characteristics of the Yi nationality. Ethnology holds that spiritual culture is the production of human spirit.
The spiritual culture of a nation includes philosophy, ethics, morality, law and science.
Literature, art, customs and religious beliefs, etc. the Yi People's spiritual and cultural achievements have been outstanding.
Praise the world.
The invention of Yi characters was very early. According to many textual research, it should be later than the Eastern Han Dynasty.
The number of documents is huge, among which the literary works are the first place, with various forms and rich contents.
Together with folk oral literature, it is a resource repository for mining Yi's excellent history and culture.
There are two parts of family and society, which play a role in regulating people's social behavior.
It is in reason and superstition, religion and science, idealism and materialism, and dialectics and metaphysics.
It is mainly reflected in the theory of the genesis of everything, the theory of material origin, the theory of yin and Yang matching, "Five".
The theory of "Xing", "Eight Diagrams", the theory of combination of man and nature, human evolution theory, the theory of unity between man and man, and so on.
In the three major fields of music, dance and painting, the Yi People's art is different from each other.
They are very rich in content, and show unique national characteristics.
It is a combination of music and dance.
It is the quintessence of the Yi song and dance art. The Yi nationality's craft creation is various, and its skill is exquisite.
Lacquer ware is famous for its exquisite and elegant patterns and exquisite coloured patterns.
Belief includes native primitive religion, Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity, and Catholicism.
The primitive religion of Yi nationality is mainly manifested in polytheism and ancestral worship. Religious witches called "bemo" and "Su".
But there is a difference between his position and status.


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1 童正容;转型中的西部民族社区发展研究[D];四川大学;2006年

2 宋经同;凉山彝族习惯法中的传统道德价值观[D];西南大学;2008年




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