[Abstract]:On December 19-21, 2014, the first Jingning Forum on the Development of she nationality in China was held in the only she Autonomous County in China and the only ethnic Minority Autonomous County in East China. The forum was jointly sponsored by the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the people's Government of Jingning she Autonomous County, and co-organized by the Department of Anthropology, School of Humanities, Xiamen University, and the Institute of nationalities, Lishui University, The propaganda Department of the County Committee of Jingning she Autonomous County and the Bureau of ethnic and religious Affairs of Jingning Autonomous County. The opening ceremony of the forum was presided over by Lan Lingli, county governor of Jingning she Autonomous County, and director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所《民族研究》编辑部;
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