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发布时间:2018-10-25 18:28
【摘要】: 锡伯族是一个人口相对较少的民族,由于历史的原因,长期分居于东北和新疆。这种居住格局,形成了不同地域锡伯族风俗的差异与多样性,反映出锡伯族的文化多样性。 本文选择了三个有代表性的田野调查地点作为研究对象,历史与现实并重,在历时一年多实地田野调查的基础上,通过对锡伯族文化进行共时性与历时性的分析和比较,探讨和研究当今多元文化并存、共建和谐社会时代背景下的锡伯族文化。以民族学人类学的视角,透过他们的社会、历史与文化记忆来阐释锡伯族文化,从而进一步探讨锡伯族成员个体的文化选择与个人及整体锡伯族文化命运的关系,最终揭示出锡伯族文化所具有的丰富内涵,为民族文化的可持续发展、以及人类文化多样性提供文化建设上的启迪。目的在于强调人的现代化和促进锡伯族文化健康持续地发展,以及民族文化的传承。尤其值得我们思考的是,在全球化的时代背景下,锡伯族文化如何在保持自已特色的同时,得到传承和发展。 本文首置绪论,尾置结语,正文共分八章: 绪论部分,介绍选题的缘由和意义,相关研究动态,本研究的基本理论和应用的方法,关于田野调查地点的选择和说明,及全篇论文的基本思路和框架设计。 第一章介绍现今锡伯族的分布与居住格局。重点介绍辽宁和新疆两大锡伯族聚居地的历史沿革与概况,以及民族迁徙史。 第二章介绍锡伯族的经济生活。主要介绍锡伯族的传统生计方式与主要经济活动,以及现代锡伯族经济的发展和生产生活方式的变迁。 第三章介绍锡伯族的社会组织与家族制度。传统的哈拉穆昆制与、八旗制度的紧密结合是锡伯族独特的社会组织形式。锡伯族的社会组织、家庭与家族制度同样体现在其家谱文化之中。 第四章介绍锡伯族的语言和文字。从锡伯语的源流,满文到锡伯文的演变,以及对现代锡伯语中借词的研究,透视出族际接触与语言的变迁。 第五章是对不同地域锡伯族风俗的差异与多样性的描述。由于历史和地理的原因,居住在不同地域的锡伯族在饮食、居住、服饰、以及婚姻与丧葬等方面形成了各具特色的民族习俗,由此也体现了锡伯族的文化多样性。 第六章介绍锡伯族的民间文化。无论是在锡伯族的老家东北,还是新疆,锡伯族民间都蕴藏着深厚的民族文化底蕴和丰富的民族文化资源。从民歌、民间故事、念说,到民间音乐、舞蹈,民族传统体育及娱乐休闲活动,等等,锡伯族文化异彩纷呈,源远流长,这些都是弘扬锡伯族文化的良好根基。这一章中我们还将看到锡伯族独具特色的节日文化,从特有的抹黑节、泼水节到西迁节,以及大众化节日里独特的民族习俗,都展示出锡伯族文化的丰富内涵。 第七章展示锡伯人的信仰世界。从他们对祖先的崇拜,到他们的原始信仰——萨满教,再到他们神圣的精神空间——锡伯家庙进行诠释,反映出在新时代背景下,锡伯人信仰意识已经渐渐地淡化。但是,唯有对自己祖先的崇拜却从未动摇过,一直占据着锡伯人的精神世界。同时,锡伯家庙在锡伯人的心中犹如“圣地”般依然神圣。 第八章介绍在传统与现代之间——都市中的锡伯族。本章是为了与锡伯族聚居的农村社区作对比研究的需要,特意选取了近年来全国各地锡伯族移居最多的城市——北京市作为城市散杂居的锡伯族社区,锡伯族新的移民群体在这个国际化的大都市中的生存策略及其与其他民族的互动关系,以及这些“新锡伯人”的文化选择。 结语部分,是笔者对锡伯族文化及其文化命运的整体思考。论述了锡伯族文化所具有的丰富内涵,指出锡伯族文化具有传承性、变异性、封闭性、开放性与适应性、地域性与差异性的特点。强调在多元文化背景下保持锡伯族的文化特色,传承和发展锡伯族文化的重要意义,以及如何传承和发展锡伯族文化的问题。
[Abstract]:The Sibo family is a relatively small population, because of the historical reasons, it has been divided into the Northeast and Xinjiang for a long time. This pattern of residence forms the difference and diversity of Xibo ethnic customs in different regions, and reflects the cultural diversity of the Sibo family. In this paper, three representative field investigation sites are selected as research object, history and reality, and on the basis of a more than one year multi-field investigation, this paper discusses and studies the multi-element culture by analyzing and comparing the synchronic and diachronic nature of Sibo culture. The Co-existence of Culture and the Development of Tin under the Background of Harmonious Society From the perspective of ethnology anthropology, the culture of Xibo family is explained through their social, historical and cultural memory, so as to further explore the relationship between the cultural selection of the members of the Sibo family and the fate of the individual and the whole Sibo family, and finally reveal the Xibo culture. enriching the connotation, providing cultural construction for the sustainable development of national culture, and the diversity of human culture The purpose is to emphasize the modernization of human beings and to promote the sustainable development of the culture and health of the Sibo people, as well as the national languages In particular, it is worth thinking that, in the background of globalization, how the Xibo culture can keep its own characteristics while maintaining its own characteristics. Commitment and development. This article is introduced in the introduction and the tail is set. In the epilogue, the main text is divided into eight chapters: the introduction part, the reason and significance of the topic selection, the dynamic of relevant research, the basic theory and application of the research, the selection and description about the spot of field investigation, and The basic thought and frame design of the whole paper. In the first chapter, the distribution and residence pattern of the Sibo family are introduced, and the two major Xibo families in Liaoning and Xinjiang are mainly introduced. Declaration and overview of colonies, as well as The second chapter introduces the economic life of the Sibo family, and mainly introduces the traditional means of livelihood and the main economic activity of the Sibo family. The Development and Production Life of the Modern Sibo Nationality's Economy The change of the mode. The third chapter introduces the social organization and system of the Sibo family. The combination of Halalmun's system and the eight-flag system is the unique social organization form of the Sibo family.. ..the social organization, family and family of the Sibo family. The system is also embodied in the culture of its genealogy. The fourth chapter introduces the languages and characters of the Sibo family. From the origin of Sibo, it is filled with tin. The evolution of Berwen, and the study of borrowed words in the modern Sibo language. Chapter 5 is a description of the differences and diversity of the customs of the Xibo ethnic groups in different regions. Because of the historical and geographical reasons, the Sibo people living in different regions are eating, living, and clothing. and marriage and marriage. The cultural diversity of the Sibo family is also reflected in the cultural diversity of the Sibo family. In the north-east of the Sibo family, or Xinjiang, the Sibo folk have deep national cultural deposits and rich national cultural resources. From folk songs, folk tales, read out, to folk music, dance, national tradition Sports and entertainment leisure activities, etc. The Sibo culture is colorful and has a long history, all of which are a good foundation for carrying forward the culture of Xibo nationality. In this chapter, we will also see the unique festival culture of the Sibo family, from which There's a black knot, a splash of water to the west, As well as the unique ethnic customs in popular festivals, it shows the rich connotation of Xibo culture. Chapter 7 shows the belief world of Xibo people. From their worship to the ancestors, to their original faith _ a Full teaching, to their sacred spiritual space, the Sibo family temple, reflects in the new era Siber's consciousness of faith has gradually faded, but the worship of his ancestors has never wavered, and has occupied Siber all the time. A man's spiritual world. At the same time, the Sibo house was in the heart of the Siber. Like 鈥淗oly Land鈥,




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