发布时间:2020-12-10 23:56
水稻是世界上最为重要的粮食作物之一。然而,多年来,水稻生产受到稻飞虱的严重为害,稻飞虱可直接或间接为害水稻。近年来,随着全球气候变暖,所有生物都受到气候变化的影响。温度变化影响飞虱的热耐受性及其生理机制从而改变稻飞虱对温度的适应性。本研究通过测定三种稻飞虱在寄主植物存在或缺失条件下的亚致死高温和致死高温来比较它们对高温的耐受性差异。昆虫往往通过防御策略来抵抗极端温度,本研究测定了不同温度下三种热激蛋白基因来比较三种稻飞虱对极端温度的适合策略。1.三种稻飞虱亚致死高温以及致死高温的差异温度是影响变温动物适合度以及生存率的主要环境因素。采用温控韦伯管(Weber-column),比较了三种稻飞虱(灰飞虱(Laodelphax striatellus,SBPH),褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens,BPH)以及白背飞虱(Sogatella furcifera,WBPH))成虫在寄主植物存在或缺失条件下的亚致死高温及致死高温。不管寄主植物是否存在,灰飞虱的临界最高温(CTmax)显著高于褐飞虱和白背飞虱的CTmax。寄主植物存在时,灰飞虱的热昏迷温度(HCT)显著高于褐飞虱和白白背飞...
【文章页数】:104 页
CHAPTER 1 Literature Review
1.1 Rice- Introduction and production
1.2 Global Rice consumption from 2008-09 to 2017-18
1.3 Insect pests of rice crop
1.3.1 Rice planthoppers
1.3.2 Rice leaffolders
1.3.3 Rice stem borers
1.4 Rice Planthoppers
1.4.1 Planthoppers biology
1.4.2 Significance and threat of rice planthoppers
1.4.3 Planthopper damage to rice crop
1.5 Global warming and climate change impact on insect pests
1.6 Thermoregulation in insect pests
1.7 Geographical changes in heat tolerance
1.8 Thermal tolerance indices
1.8.1 Critical thermal temperatures
1.8.2 Heat coma temperatures
1.8.3 Lethal temperatures
1.8.4 Seasonal and rapid cold hardening
1.9 Thermal indices effect on insect pests including planthoppers
1.10 Survival approaches of insects at high temperatures
1.11 Heat shock proteins and their functions
1.11.1 Heat shock protein analysis limitations in insects
1.11.2 Hardening effects in insects
1.12 Objectives
CHAPTER 2 Comparison of upper sublethal and lethal temperatures in three rice planthopper species
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Material and Methods
2.2.1 Insect cultures
2.2.2 Determination of critical thermal maximum (CTmax)
2.2.3 Determination of heat coma temperature (HCT)
2.2.4 Determination of upper lethal temperature (ULT)
2.2.5 Data analysis
2.3 Results
2.3.1 CTmax
2.3.2 HCT
2.3.3 ULT
2.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 3 Induced expression levels of Hsp90, Hsp70 and Hsp60 in three rice planthopper species in response to thermal stress treatments
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material and Methods
3.2.1 Insect cultures
3.2.2 Thermal stress treatments for analysis of HSPs
3.2.3 Planthopper survival under different thermal stress treatments
3.2.4 Isolation of RNA
3.2.5 Synthesis of first-strand c DNA
3.2.6 PCR
3.2.7 Sequences of c DNA
3.2.8 q RT-PCR Detection
3.2.9 Data analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Survival rate of three planthopper species under four different temperatures
3.3.2 Expression profiles of three heat shock protein genes Expression profiles of Hsp90 Expression profiles of Hsp70 Expression profiles of Hsp60
3.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 4 General Discussion and Conclusion
Author biography
[1]褐飞虱热激蛋白70在不同温度胁迫下的差异表达特性研究[J]. 单丹,王利华,张月亮,韩阳春,牛洪涛,潘磊,方继朝. 中国水稻科学. 2017(05)
[2]南昌地区灰飞虱的生活史、繁殖和越冬生物学特性[J]. 王柳风,傅淑,肖亮,陈超,薛芳森. 昆虫学报. 2013(12)
[3]江浙麦区灰飞虱春季种群的发生消长和迁飞动态[J]. 贺媛,朱宇波,侯洋旸,姚士桐,陆志杰,金周浩,张孝羲,翟保平. 中国水稻科学. 2012(01)
[4]低温胁迫对灰飞虱种群生长发育与繁殖的影响[J]. 安志芳,张爱民,刘向东. 应用昆虫学报. 2011(05)
[5]稻飞虱:国际视野下的中国问题[J]. 翟保平. 应用昆虫学报. 2011(05)
[6]二化螟热休克蛋白70基因的克隆及热胁迫下的表达分析[J]. 崔亚东,陆明星,杜予州. 昆虫学报. 2010(08)
[7]水稻齿叶矮缩病毒的研究进展[J]. 郑璐平,谢荔岩,连玲丽,谢联辉. 中国农业科技导报. 2008(05)
[8]温度对灰飞虱生物学特性的影响[J]. 张爱民,刘向东,翟保平,顾晓莹. 昆虫学报. 2008(06)
[9]高温及水稻类型对灰飞虱种群的影响[J]. 刘向东,翟保平,胡自强. 昆虫知识. 2007(03)
[10]昆虫耐寒性的测定与评价方法[J]. 景晓红,康乐. 昆虫知识. 2004(01)
【文章页数】:104 页
CHAPTER 1 Literature Review
1.1 Rice- Introduction and production
1.2 Global Rice consumption from 2008-09 to 2017-18
1.3 Insect pests of rice crop
1.3.1 Rice planthoppers
1.3.2 Rice leaffolders
1.3.3 Rice stem borers
1.4 Rice Planthoppers
1.4.1 Planthoppers biology
1.4.2 Significance and threat of rice planthoppers
1.4.3 Planthopper damage to rice crop
1.5 Global warming and climate change impact on insect pests
1.6 Thermoregulation in insect pests
1.7 Geographical changes in heat tolerance
1.8 Thermal tolerance indices
1.8.1 Critical thermal temperatures
1.8.2 Heat coma temperatures
1.8.3 Lethal temperatures
1.8.4 Seasonal and rapid cold hardening
1.9 Thermal indices effect on insect pests including planthoppers
1.10 Survival approaches of insects at high temperatures
1.11 Heat shock proteins and their functions
1.11.1 Heat shock protein analysis limitations in insects
1.11.2 Hardening effects in insects
1.12 Objectives
CHAPTER 2 Comparison of upper sublethal and lethal temperatures in three rice planthopper species
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Material and Methods
2.2.1 Insect cultures
2.2.2 Determination of critical thermal maximum (CTmax)
2.2.3 Determination of heat coma temperature (HCT)
2.2.4 Determination of upper lethal temperature (ULT)
2.2.5 Data analysis
2.3 Results
2.3.1 CTmax
2.3.2 HCT
2.3.3 ULT
2.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 3 Induced expression levels of Hsp90, Hsp70 and Hsp60 in three rice planthopper species in response to thermal stress treatments
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Material and Methods
3.2.1 Insect cultures
3.2.2 Thermal stress treatments for analysis of HSPs
3.2.3 Planthopper survival under different thermal stress treatments
3.2.4 Isolation of RNA
3.2.5 Synthesis of first-strand c DNA
3.2.6 PCR
3.2.7 Sequences of c DNA
3.2.8 q RT-PCR Detection
3.2.9 Data analysis
3.3 Results
3.3.1 Survival rate of three planthopper species under four different temperatures
3.3.2 Expression profiles of three heat shock protein genes Expression profiles of Hsp90 Expression profiles of Hsp70 Expression profiles of Hsp60
3.4 Discussion
CHAPTER 4 General Discussion and Conclusion
Author biography
[1]褐飞虱热激蛋白70在不同温度胁迫下的差异表达特性研究[J]. 单丹,王利华,张月亮,韩阳春,牛洪涛,潘磊,方继朝. 中国水稻科学. 2017(05)
[2]南昌地区灰飞虱的生活史、繁殖和越冬生物学特性[J]. 王柳风,傅淑,肖亮,陈超,薛芳森. 昆虫学报. 2013(12)
[3]江浙麦区灰飞虱春季种群的发生消长和迁飞动态[J]. 贺媛,朱宇波,侯洋旸,姚士桐,陆志杰,金周浩,张孝羲,翟保平. 中国水稻科学. 2012(01)
[4]低温胁迫对灰飞虱种群生长发育与繁殖的影响[J]. 安志芳,张爱民,刘向东. 应用昆虫学报. 2011(05)
[5]稻飞虱:国际视野下的中国问题[J]. 翟保平. 应用昆虫学报. 2011(05)
[6]二化螟热休克蛋白70基因的克隆及热胁迫下的表达分析[J]. 崔亚东,陆明星,杜予州. 昆虫学报. 2010(08)
[7]水稻齿叶矮缩病毒的研究进展[J]. 郑璐平,谢荔岩,连玲丽,谢联辉. 中国农业科技导报. 2008(05)
[8]温度对灰飞虱生物学特性的影响[J]. 张爱民,刘向东,翟保平,顾晓莹. 昆虫学报. 2008(06)
[9]高温及水稻类型对灰飞虱种群的影响[J]. 刘向东,翟保平,胡自强. 昆虫知识. 2007(03)
[10]昆虫耐寒性的测定与评价方法[J]. 景晓红,康乐. 昆虫知识. 2004(01)