
发布时间:2022-12-07 00:20
  棉红铃虫Pectinophora gossypiella和甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua是世界性的重要棉花害虫。目前,生物防治被认为是最安全的害虫治理策略之一,在生物防治策略中,天敌防控是最有效的防控方法。南方小花蝽Orius strigicollis Poppius,对鳞翅目害虫幼虫的防控效果较好。就现有研究而言,目前仍然缺乏使用两性生命表工具对南方小花蝽的生命表和在不同温度下对棉红铃虫和甜菜夜蛾的适应性及防控潜力的研究。因此,本研究将采用两性生命表方法,在实验室条件下(75±5%RH和16L:8D),研究3个不同温度对南方小花蝽捕食棉红铃虫和甜菜夜蛾卵的适合度,以及对两种猎物幼虫的捕食功能反应、捕食潜力和猎物偏好进行评价,并在不同卵密度的条件下测定南方小花蝽对棉红铃虫和甜菜夜蛾卵的适合度和捕食潜力。1)南方小花蝽捕食功能反应参数测定及其捕食潜力和猎物偏好研究本研究评价了3个温度条件下南方小花蝽对棉红铃虫和甜菜夜蛾卵及一龄幼虫的捕食功能反应、捕食潜力以及猎物偏好性。利用逻辑回归分析和Holling圆盘方程确定了雌性捕食者功能反应的类型和参数。结果显示,3个温度下南方小花蝽... 

【文章页数】:150 页


List of abbreviation
chapter 1 General introduction and literature review
    1.1 Economic importance of cotton
        1.1.1 Damage caused by lepidopterous insect pests
    1.2 Background of Orius strigicollis Poppius
        1.2.1 Predating potential of Orius species
        1.2.2 Geographical distribution of O.strigicollis
        1.2.3 Ecological importance of O.strigicollis
    1.3 Biology and life history of O.strigicollis
    1.4 Fitness and predating potential of O.strigicollis
    1.5 Background and damage caused by Pectinophora gossypiella
    1.6 Biological control of P.gossypiella
    1.7 Background and damage caused by Spodoptera exigua
    1.8 Biological control of S.exigua
    1.9 Importance of two-sex life table
    1.10 Objectives and research contents of this thesis
        1.10.1 Thesis objectives
        1.10.2 Research contents
    1.11 Experimental flow chart
chapter 2 Effects of temperature on the predatory functional response,feeding potential and prey preference of Orius strigicollis fed on Pectinophora gossypiella and Spodoptera exigua
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Materials and Methods
        2.2.1 Insect culture
   Rearing of O.strigicollis
   Rearing of P.gossypiella and S.exigua
   Illustration of experimental materials/tools
        2.2.2 Experiment1:Functional response of O.strigicollis
        2.2.3 Experiment2:Feeding potential of O.strigicollis
        2.2.4 Experiment3:Prey preference
        2.2.5 Statistical analysis
    2.3 Results
        2.3.1 Functional response parameters of O.strigicollis on P.gossypiella
        2.3.2 Functional response parameters of O.strigicollis on S.exigua
        2.3.3 Feeding potential of O.strigicollis on P.gossypiella
        2.3.4 Feeding potential of O.strigicollis on S.exigua
        2.3.5 Prey preference
   Prey preference between P.gossypiella prey stages
   Prey preference between S.exigua prey stages
    2.4 Discussion
chapter 3 Using an age-stage,two-sex life table to evaluate the fitness traits of predatory bug Orius strigicollis fed on Pectinophora gossypiella and Spodoptera exigua at three different temperatures
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Materials and Methods
        3.2.1 Insect colonies and general rearing
   Rearing of O.strigicollis
   Culture of P.gossypiella
   Rearing of S.exigua
        3.2.2 Two-sex life table traits
   Development period
   Adult longevity and fecundity
        3.2.3 Life table analysis
    3.3 Results
        3.3.1 Development duration of O.strigicollis at three temperatures
        3.3.2 Oviposition and fecundity of adults at three temperatures
        3.3.3 Consumption of O.strigicollis on P.gossypiella and S.exigua eggs at three temperatures
        3.3.4 Population parameters of O.strigicollis at three temperatures
        3.3.5 Age-stage and age-specific survival rate of O.strigicollis at three temperatures
        3.3.6 Life expectancy of O.strigicollis at three temperatures
        3.3.7 Reproductive value of O.strigicollis at three temperatures
    3.4 Discussion
chapter 4 Using a two-sex life table tool to calculate the fitness of Orius strigicollis as a predator of Pectinophora gossypiella and Spodoptera exigua
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Materials and Methods
        4.2.1 Insect cultures
   Rearing of O.strigicollis
   Collection of P.gossypiella
   Rearing of S.exigua
        4.2.2 Feeding potential of O.strigicollis
        4.2.3 Selection pressure and biological parameters
   Effects of different preying densities on developmental period of O.strigicollis
   Longevity,oviposition,and fecundity of O.strigicollis
        4.2.4 Prey preference
        4.2.5 Feeding potential and life table analysis
    4.3 Results
        4.3.1 Feeding potential of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of P.gossypiella
        4.3.2 Biological parameters of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of P.gossypiella
   Developmental period
   Longevity,oviposition,and fecundity of adults
        4.3.3 Population parameters of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of P.gossypiella
        4.3.4 Age-stage and age-specific survival of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of P.gossypiella
        4.3.5 Life expectancy of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of P.gossypiella
        4.3.6 Reproductive value of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of P.gossypiella
        4.3.7 Prey preference of O.strigicollis on P.gossypiella prey stages
        4.3.8 Feeding potential of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of S.exigua
        4.3.9 Biological parameters of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of S.exigua
   Developmental period
   Longevity,oviposition,and fecundity of adults
        4.3.10 Population parameters of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of S.exigua
        4.3.11 Age-stage and age-specific survival rate of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of S.exigua
        4.3.12 Life expectancy of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of S.exigua
        4.3.13 Reproductive value of O.strigicollis under different prey densities of S.exigua
        4.3.14 Prey preference of O.strigicollis on S.exigua prey stages
    4.4 Discussion
chapter 5 Summary and future perspectives

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