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发布时间:2021-01-04 02:31
  20世纪50年代初,有记载称在中国大兴安岭漠河县发现了红松(Pinus koraiensis)的存在,在1961年的文献记录中仍可以发现这样的记录。然而并非如此,目前,在大兴安岭满归地区仅有60棵西伯利亚红松(Pinus sibirica)的分布,并且在中国东北其他地区也未发现西伯利亚红松的分布。森林的时空分布与气候密切相关。西伯利亚红松是生长在大陆温带寒冷气候条件下的一种乡土树种,寒冷的气候条件有利于其生长。为了评价中国东北和西北地区引种西伯利亚红松的气候适宜性。本研究基于NMKI气候探测器和中国气象局获得的气候数据,通过Tukey Pairwise Comparison方法对气候数据进行处理,将中国东北和西北地区的气候与西伯利亚西部(俄罗斯)的气候进行了比较,从而探讨西伯利亚红松引种可能性。结果发现东北漠河气象站温度与生长有西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)和西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)的西伯利亚气象站点相似。各个气象站的年平均降水量均超过420~609mm。有研究发现西伯利亚红松生长在西伯利亚西部的各个海拔地区,其中,阿尔泰山地区分布在2500至4500... 

【文章来源】:北京林业大学北京市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:95 页


1 Introduction
    1.1 Current distribution of Pinus sibirica
    1.2 Tree ring chronologies of the Pinus sibirica
    1.3 Dendrochronological Studies in Altay Mountains
    1.4 Purpose of the Study, Objective and Technical route
        1.4.1 Purpose
        1.4.2 Objectives
2 Potential Geo-Distribution of Pinus sibirica Demonstrated by Climatic Similarity Between WesternSiberia and Northeast China
    2.1 Materials and Method
        2.1.1 Study Area
        2.1.2 Climatic Data
        2.1.3 Data Analysis
    2.2 Results
        2.2.1 Precipitation
        2.2.2 Temperature
        2.2.3 Climatic variability in the Northern and Southern Altai Mountains
    2.3 Discussion
    2.4 Summary
3 Climate-Growth Response of Pinus Sibirica (Siberian Pine) in the Altai Mountains, Northwestern China
    3.1 Materials and Methods
        3.1.1 Study Area
        3.1.2 Tree-ring sampling and chronology development
        3.1.3 Climate Growth Relationship
        3.1.4 Response Function Analysis
    3.2 Results
        3.2.1 Tree growth-climate relationships
        3.2.2 Response Function Analysis
    3.3 Discussion
    3.4 Summary
4 The Siberian Pine Growth Dynamics in the Mountains of Altai, China
    4.1 Materials and methods
        4.1.1 Study Area
        4.1.2 Data Collection
        4.1.3 Tree Ring Data Processing and chronology building
    4.2 Results and Discussions
        4.2.1 Climatic Description
        4.2.2 Pinus sibirica tree-ring chronology
        4.2.3 Moving Tree Ring Width- Climate Correlations
        4.2.4 Response Function Analysis
    4.3 Summary
5 Assessing the climatic sensitivity of three dominant tree species to climate change at the Altai Mountains,northwestern China
    5.1 Materials and Methods
        5.1.1 Study Area
        5.1.2 Tree Ring Collection
        5.1.3 Climate Data
        5.1.4 Radial Growth and Trend Analysis
        5.1.5 Climate-Growth Relationship Analyses
    5.2 Results
        5.2.1 Climate Growth Relationship
        5.2.2 Radial Growth and Trend Analysis
    5.3 Discussion
        5.3.1 Growth Patterns among species
        5.3.2 Temporal Stability of Climate-Growth Relationships among Species
    5.4 Summary
6 Conclusion
7 Recommendations
8 References
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