发布时间:2021-05-16 19:55
森林碳储量估测可以为评估碳源/碳汇及其空间格局提供定量化信息。青藏高原由于其独特的地理、气候特征,了解其森林在陆地生态系统碳汇中的作用非常重要。文章提出了一种直观的、基于GIS数据来估测青藏高原地上森林碳储量的方法,这种方法结合了覆盖3个实验区(西藏、云南和四川)250m空间分辨率的MODIS数据、气候数据、1km的DEM、1:2 500 000林相图和1 086个森林资源清查小班数据(NFI)。采用相关分析和线性诊断方法对关键变量进行选择,线性回归模型和对数模型用于森林碳储量模型建立。结果表明,采用三个不同模型分别对地理特征不同的子区域内森林碳储量的测算结果,比使用一般模型对没有划分子区域的整个青藏高原森林碳储量的测算更准确。虚拟变量(如层、从DEM提取的植被类型、NFI和青藏高原森林地图)的融合提高了碳估算模型的性能。同时,线性模型和对数模型可决系数(R2)也分别随之增大。青藏高原地上森林碳储量不同子区域间变化较大,从50 000到250 000 kg/hm2,平均值19 000 kg/hm2,而灌木碳储量则不及10...
【文章来源】:林业与环境科学. 2020,36(06)
【文章页数】:11 页
Data and Methods
Study area
Forest Inventories/Forest Map of Tibetan plateau
MODIS remotely sensed data
Ancillary data
Pre-processing of MODIS data and ancillary data
Acquiring the remotely sensed data and other ancillary data of plot sites
Calculating carbon storage of plot sites from NFI
Quantification of the dummy variables
Carbon storage modeling
Correlation test
Eliminating the general linearity between variables
Validation test
Forest carbon storage estimation on Tibetan Plateau
Correlation analysis
Diagnosis of linearity in variables
Regression model
Validation test
Carbon storage pattern of the whole Tibetan Plateau
Discussion and Conclusion
Separated models enhanced the precision of forest carbon storage estimation
Dummy variables improved the precision of the forest carbon storage estimation
Carbon storage of Tibetan Plateau was determined
[1]天堂山林场森林地上生物量及碳储量的遥感估算模型构建[J]. 陈日东,林什全,潘国英,陈月明. 林业与环境科学. 2019(03)
[2]利用TM数据提取粤西地区的森林生物量[J]. 郭志华,彭少麟,王伯荪. 生态学报. 2002(11)
[3]中国森林生物量的估算:对Fang等Science一文(Science,2001,291:2320~2322)的若干说明[J]. 方精云,陈安平,赵淑清,慈龙骏. 植物生态学报. 2002(02)
【文章来源】:林业与环境科学. 2020,36(06)
【文章页数】:11 页
Data and Methods
Study area
Forest Inventories/Forest Map of Tibetan plateau
MODIS remotely sensed data
Ancillary data
Pre-processing of MODIS data and ancillary data
Acquiring the remotely sensed data and other ancillary data of plot sites
Calculating carbon storage of plot sites from NFI
Quantification of the dummy variables
Carbon storage modeling
Correlation test
Eliminating the general linearity between variables
Validation test
Forest carbon storage estimation on Tibetan Plateau
Correlation analysis
Diagnosis of linearity in variables
Regression model
Validation test
Carbon storage pattern of the whole Tibetan Plateau
Discussion and Conclusion
Separated models enhanced the precision of forest carbon storage estimation
Dummy variables improved the precision of the forest carbon storage estimation
Carbon storage of Tibetan Plateau was determined
[1]天堂山林场森林地上生物量及碳储量的遥感估算模型构建[J]. 陈日东,林什全,潘国英,陈月明. 林业与环境科学. 2019(03)
[2]利用TM数据提取粤西地区的森林生物量[J]. 郭志华,彭少麟,王伯荪. 生态学报. 2002(11)
[3]中国森林生物量的估算:对Fang等Science一文(Science,2001,291:2320~2322)的若干说明[J]. 方精云,陈安平,赵淑清,慈龙骏. 植物生态学报. 2002(02)