水温对广泛分布的红树树种木榄(Bruguiera gymnorhiza)耐寒性的影响
发布时间:2022-02-23 21:58
红树林是热带和亚热带潮间带的木本植物群落。它们提供了重要的生态系统服务,例如为沿海和海洋动物提供了栖息地,以及沉积,沿海的防御和养分循环系统。低温是影响红树林植物生长,繁殖和分布的主要环境因素之一。但对红树林植物对冷胁迫的响应和适应机制的研究,特别是基于分子水平仍缺乏。由于红树林是经常性受淹没的沿海植物,因此水温可能在调节红树林的耐寒性中起着至关重要的作用。这项研究的目的是研究温水对广泛分布的主要红树林物种木榄(Bruguiera gymnorhiza)中对冷胁迫的响应和适应机制的潜在介导作用。受控的冷实验将在一个从中国两个地点(不同纬度)采集的并在一个同质园中种植的木榄(B.gymnorhiza)幼苗的植物生长室中进行。每个地点的幼苗将分为两组:一组浸没在没有温度调节的水中,另一组浸没在保持在25℃的热水中并暴露于低至10℃(日)/5℃(夜)的逐渐冷胁迫下,然后恢复到最适温度35℃(白天)/25℃(晚上)。在整个冷实验中,将通过三个指标来衡量冷应激的程度:(1)光合作用效率,如Photosystem II的最大量子效率(Fv/Fm)所示,(2)叶片组织中存在的抗氧化酶和活性氧的含量;...
【文章页数】:50 页
Chapter Ⅰ:Introduction
1.1 Cold stress and cold tolerance in plants
1.2 Physiological injury and response to chilling stress
1.3 Molecular response to chilling stress
1.4 Chill tolerance in mangroves
Study objective and design
Chapter Ⅱ:Methods
1.Study species
2.Sample collection and cultivation
3.Chilling stress treatment design
4.Frozen sample collection
5.Biochemical extraction and quantification
5.1 Extraction
5.2 Malondialdehyde(MDA)determination
5.3 Superoxide dismutase(SOD)determination
5.4 Peroxidase(POD)determination
5.5 Ascorbic acid peroxidase(APX)
6.Data processing and visualization of results
7.Transcriptome analysis
7.1 Data acquisition and collation
7.2 Trinity performs transcriptome assembly
7.3 Differentially or specifically expressed genes and functional enrichment
Chapter Ⅲ:Results
Determination Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of different populations of Bruguieragymnorrhiza under ambient and warm conditions in water tank
Response of antioxidant enzyme system of two B.gymnorrhiza populations at differentwater temperatures under cold stress
Transcriptome assembly and annotation
Gene expression under cold stress
Chapter Ⅳ:Discussion
Higher photochemical efficiency in subtropical than tropical populations during recovery
Warm water improved chill tolerance in B. gymnorhiza
Chilling causes oxidative stress that persists post-chilling
Pigmentation-related genes among top up-regulated genes under chilling stress
Population of origin and water temperature led to differences in the expression ofmembrane stability-related genes
Evaluation of the effect of water temperature on the response mechanism of B.gymnorhizapopulation under cold stress
Chapter Ⅴ:Conclusion
Papers published during degree study
[1]桐花树叶片的转录组分析[J]. 赵宇航,张守信,冉闽媛,郭昱昕,周勇芝,杨小波,龙文兴,周韬. 分子植物育种. 2019(07)
[2]秋茄幼苗光合特性对寒害的响应[J]. 郭菊兰,朱耀军,文菀玉,武高洁,宁宇,马骅,王义飞. 林业科学研究. 2018(06)
[3]低温胁迫下不同甘蔗品种的转录组比较分析[J]. 唐仕云,杨丽涛,李杨瑞. 生物技术通报. 2018(12)
[4]转录组学在植物应答逆境胁迫中的研究进展[J]. 张纯,唐承晨,王吉永,郭龙妹,王莉莉,黎万奎. 生物学杂志. 2017(02)
[5]红树林耐寒性和向海性生态系列对气候变化响应的研究进展[J]. 陈鹭真,郑文教,杨盛昌,王文卿,张宜辉. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版). 2017(03)
[6]影响红树林建立和发展的因素[J]. 习龙,石要红. 安徽农业科学. 2016(10)
[7]植物对温度的感受和冷适应研究进展[J]. 位光山,邓帅. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版). 2015(06)
[8]转录组测序在高等植物中的研究进展[J]. 黄小花,许锋,程华,李琳玲,程水源. 黄冈师范学院学报. 2014(06)
[9]中国红树林的分布、面积和树种组成[J]. 廖宝文,张乔民. 湿地科学. 2014(04)
[10]低温胁迫时间对4种幼苗生理生化及光合特性的影响[J]. 邵怡若,许建新,薛立,张柔,吴彩琼,卢广超. 生态学报. 2013(14)
【文章页数】:50 页
Chapter Ⅰ:Introduction
1.1 Cold stress and cold tolerance in plants
1.2 Physiological injury and response to chilling stress
1.3 Molecular response to chilling stress
1.4 Chill tolerance in mangroves
Study objective and design
Chapter Ⅱ:Methods
1.Study species
2.Sample collection and cultivation
3.Chilling stress treatment design
4.Frozen sample collection
5.Biochemical extraction and quantification
5.1 Extraction
5.2 Malondialdehyde(MDA)determination
5.3 Superoxide dismutase(SOD)determination
5.4 Peroxidase(POD)determination
5.5 Ascorbic acid peroxidase(APX)
6.Data processing and visualization of results
7.Transcriptome analysis
7.1 Data acquisition and collation
7.2 Trinity performs transcriptome assembly
7.3 Differentially or specifically expressed genes and functional enrichment
Chapter Ⅲ:Results
Determination Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of different populations of Bruguieragymnorrhiza under ambient and warm conditions in water tank
Response of antioxidant enzyme system of two B.gymnorrhiza populations at differentwater temperatures under cold stress
Transcriptome assembly and annotation
Gene expression under cold stress
Chapter Ⅳ:Discussion
Higher photochemical efficiency in subtropical than tropical populations during recovery
Warm water improved chill tolerance in B. gymnorhiza
Chilling causes oxidative stress that persists post-chilling
Pigmentation-related genes among top up-regulated genes under chilling stress
Population of origin and water temperature led to differences in the expression ofmembrane stability-related genes
Evaluation of the effect of water temperature on the response mechanism of B.gymnorhizapopulation under cold stress
Chapter Ⅴ:Conclusion
Papers published during degree study
[1]桐花树叶片的转录组分析[J]. 赵宇航,张守信,冉闽媛,郭昱昕,周勇芝,杨小波,龙文兴,周韬. 分子植物育种. 2019(07)
[2]秋茄幼苗光合特性对寒害的响应[J]. 郭菊兰,朱耀军,文菀玉,武高洁,宁宇,马骅,王义飞. 林业科学研究. 2018(06)
[3]低温胁迫下不同甘蔗品种的转录组比较分析[J]. 唐仕云,杨丽涛,李杨瑞. 生物技术通报. 2018(12)
[4]转录组学在植物应答逆境胁迫中的研究进展[J]. 张纯,唐承晨,王吉永,郭龙妹,王莉莉,黎万奎. 生物学杂志. 2017(02)
[5]红树林耐寒性和向海性生态系列对气候变化响应的研究进展[J]. 陈鹭真,郑文教,杨盛昌,王文卿,张宜辉. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版). 2017(03)
[6]影响红树林建立和发展的因素[J]. 习龙,石要红. 安徽农业科学. 2016(10)
[7]植物对温度的感受和冷适应研究进展[J]. 位光山,邓帅. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版). 2015(06)
[8]转录组测序在高等植物中的研究进展[J]. 黄小花,许锋,程华,李琳玲,程水源. 黄冈师范学院学报. 2014(06)
[9]中国红树林的分布、面积和树种组成[J]. 廖宝文,张乔民. 湿地科学. 2014(04)
[10]低温胁迫时间对4种幼苗生理生化及光合特性的影响[J]. 邵怡若,许建新,薛立,张柔,吴彩琼,卢广超. 生态学报. 2013(14)