发布时间:2021-07-26 20:52
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:169 页
List of Tables
List of Figures
Listof Abbreviations and Symbols
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.1.1 Storage rings and synchrotron radiation light sources
1.1.2 Beam instabilities and feedback systems
1.2 Overview of the dissertation
1.2.1 Design of longitudinal feedback kicker for HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
1.2.2 Development of TFB based beam diagnostics at the Duke stor-age ring
2 Physics Design of Longitudinal Feedback Kicker for HLS-Ⅱ Storage Ring
2.1 Longitudinal feedback kicker cavity for storage rings
2.2 Design requirements of the HLS-Ⅱ LFB kicker
2.2.1 Design specifications
2.2.2 Estimated dimensions of the HLS LFB kicker
2.2.3 Simulation code
2.3 Preliminary design of the LFB kicker with round beam pipes
2.3.1 Model of the LFB kicker for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
2.3.2 Calculation of the dependency between the kicker performance and geometric parameters
2.3.3 Simulation results of the quarter cavity model
2.3.4 Simulation results of the full cavity model
2.4 Design of the HLS-Ⅱ LFB kicker with transition
2.4.1 Transition method
2.4.2 Physics design of the HLS LFB kicker
3 Tuning and Optimization Methods for Designing a High-Performance LFB Kicker
3.1 Equivalent analysis of an RF cavity
3.1.1 RF cavity as a harmonic oscillator
3.1.2 RF cavity as a lumped circuit
3.2 Effect of using nose cones and cavity perturbations
3.2.1 Shunt impedance with nose cones
3.2.2 Cavity perturbation
3.3 Optimization of the LFB kicker with transition parts
3.3.1 Fitting of the dependencies between the kicker geometry and performance
3.3.2 Cavity tuning using Newton's method
3.3.3 Mechanical tolerance
3.4 Higher-order modes of the LFB kicker
3.4.1 Consideration of the frequency range
3.4.2 Identification method of the HOMs for an RF cavity
3.4.3 HOMs of the HLS LFB kicker
4 Development of Electron Beam Diagnostics Based on Transverse Feedback System at Duke Storage Ring
4.1 Transverse feedback system at the Duke storage ring
4.1.1 Configuration of the Duke TFB system
4.1.2 Timing of the TFB system
4.2 Development of TFB based beam diagnostics
4.2.1 Slow tune measurement technique
4.2.2 Fast tune measurement technique
4.2.3 Chromaticity measurement system
4.3 Fitting method for the tune measurement and tune spread
4.3.1 Lorentzian fitting for the tune measurement
4.3.2 Tune spread
4.4 Multibunch tune measurement
5 Machine Study Using TFB Based Beam Diagnostics at Duke Stor-age Ring
5.1 Impedance measurement for charged particle accelerators
5.1.1 Loss factors and effective impedances
5.1.2 Impedance measurement methods
5.2 Betatron frequency shifts due to transverse impedance
5.3 Measurement of tune shifts with beam current at the Duke storage ring
5.4 Dependence of wakefields and impedances on the offset of beam orbit
5.4.1 Generalized wakes and impedances
5.4.2 Tune shifts with beam orbit in OK-4 FEL wigglers at the Duke storage ring
5.5 Study of tune stability at Duke storage ring
5.6 Tune knob and chromaticity knob calibration
6 Summary and Conclusion
6.1 Design of the longitudinal feedback kicker
6.2 Development and applications of the TFB based beam diagnostics
6.3 Future research
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:169 页
List of Tables
List of Figures
Listof Abbreviations and Symbols
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.1.1 Storage rings and synchrotron radiation light sources
1.1.2 Beam instabilities and feedback systems
1.2 Overview of the dissertation
1.2.1 Design of longitudinal feedback kicker for HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
1.2.2 Development of TFB based beam diagnostics at the Duke stor-age ring
2 Physics Design of Longitudinal Feedback Kicker for HLS-Ⅱ Storage Ring
2.1 Longitudinal feedback kicker cavity for storage rings
2.2 Design requirements of the HLS-Ⅱ LFB kicker
2.2.1 Design specifications
2.2.2 Estimated dimensions of the HLS LFB kicker
2.2.3 Simulation code
2.3 Preliminary design of the LFB kicker with round beam pipes
2.3.1 Model of the LFB kicker for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
2.3.2 Calculation of the dependency between the kicker performance and geometric parameters
2.3.3 Simulation results of the quarter cavity model
2.3.4 Simulation results of the full cavity model
2.4 Design of the HLS-Ⅱ LFB kicker with transition
2.4.1 Transition method
2.4.2 Physics design of the HLS LFB kicker
3 Tuning and Optimization Methods for Designing a High-Performance LFB Kicker
3.1 Equivalent analysis of an RF cavity
3.1.1 RF cavity as a harmonic oscillator
3.1.2 RF cavity as a lumped circuit
3.2 Effect of using nose cones and cavity perturbations
3.2.1 Shunt impedance with nose cones
3.2.2 Cavity perturbation
3.3 Optimization of the LFB kicker with transition parts
3.3.1 Fitting of the dependencies between the kicker geometry and performance
3.3.2 Cavity tuning using Newton's method
3.3.3 Mechanical tolerance
3.4 Higher-order modes of the LFB kicker
3.4.1 Consideration of the frequency range
3.4.2 Identification method of the HOMs for an RF cavity
3.4.3 HOMs of the HLS LFB kicker
4 Development of Electron Beam Diagnostics Based on Transverse Feedback System at Duke Storage Ring
4.1 Transverse feedback system at the Duke storage ring
4.1.1 Configuration of the Duke TFB system
4.1.2 Timing of the TFB system
4.2 Development of TFB based beam diagnostics
4.2.1 Slow tune measurement technique
4.2.2 Fast tune measurement technique
4.2.3 Chromaticity measurement system
4.3 Fitting method for the tune measurement and tune spread
4.3.1 Lorentzian fitting for the tune measurement
4.3.2 Tune spread
4.4 Multibunch tune measurement
5 Machine Study Using TFB Based Beam Diagnostics at Duke Stor-age Ring
5.1 Impedance measurement for charged particle accelerators
5.1.1 Loss factors and effective impedances
5.1.2 Impedance measurement methods
5.2 Betatron frequency shifts due to transverse impedance
5.3 Measurement of tune shifts with beam current at the Duke storage ring
5.4 Dependence of wakefields and impedances on the offset of beam orbit
5.4.1 Generalized wakes and impedances
5.4.2 Tune shifts with beam orbit in OK-4 FEL wigglers at the Duke storage ring
5.5 Study of tune stability at Duke storage ring
5.6 Tune knob and chromaticity knob calibration
6 Summary and Conclusion
6.1 Design of the longitudinal feedback kicker
6.2 Development and applications of the TFB based beam diagnostics
6.3 Future research