发布时间:2021-06-29 11:10
生物质能因其可再生性和可持续性的特点,近年来引起了广泛关注,并有望在未来替代化石能源。生物油是生物质热解获得的石油状液体产物,但是其热稳定性差、酸性和腐蚀性较强、氧含量和水含量较高,因此需要通过改性提质等手段,改善其理化性质,使其能够用作燃料或进一步炼制。通过酯化反应,生物油中的有机酸和醇类或酚类可以发生反应,进而达到提质的目的。从该角度出发,本文将乙酸和苯酚作为生物油模型化合物,以甲苯为溶剂,探究了三种分子筛催化剂:H-Beta(Si/Al=25)、H-USY(Si/Al=11)、H-Y(Si/Al=5.4)对酯化反应的催化效果。通过气体吸附技术(BET)、X射线衍射(XRD)和NH3程序升温脱附(NH3-TPD)对催化剂进行了表征。实验结果表明H-Beta对该酯化反应催化效果最好,乙酸转化率为100%,目标产物乙酸苯酯的收率为49.07%。H-Y 5.4和H-USY 11活性较低的原因可能是由于硅铝比较低,导致分子筛表面更容易吸附水而失活。通过优化反应,获得了催化剂用量、反应物摩尔比、反应时间和反应温度等因素对反应的影响。本实验对生物油催...
【文章来源】:天津大学天津市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter Ⅰ Literature Review
1.1 Biomass Pyrolysis Oil
1.1.1Energy crisis and environmental issues
1.1.2 Biomass Energy and its development implications
1.1.3 The introduction of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil
1.1.4 Biomass pyrolysis oil composition and physical and chemical properties
1.1.5 Fast Pyrolysis Oil as an Energy Carrier
1.2 Upgrading of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil
1.2.1 Physical and non-catalytical upgrading of bio-oil
1.2.2 Chemically and catalytical upgrading bio-oil
1.3 Catalytic Upgrading of Pyrolysis-oils by Esterification
1.3.1 Solid acid catalysts for bio-oil esterification
1.3.2 Pyrolysis oil esterification catalysed by zeolites
1.4 Thesis Ideas and Content
Chapter Ⅱ Experimental apparatus and method
2.1 Experimental Materials
2.2 Experimental Apparatus
2.3 Experimental steps
2.3.1 Catalysts
2.3.2 Experimental and Procedures
2.4 Analysis and calculation of experimental results
2.4.1 Gas chromatographic
2.4.2 Qualitative analysis of products
2.4.3 Quantitively analysis of products
2.5 Characterization techniques
2.5.1 X-ray diffraction
2.5.2 BET analysis
2.5.3 NH_3-temperature programmed desorption
Chapter Ⅲ Results and Discussion
3.1 Physical and chemical properties of different zeolites
3.1.1 XRD Characterization:
3.1.2 BET Characterization
3.1.3 NH_3-Temperature programmed desorption characteristic
3.2 The comparison of catalytic activity of different zeolite
3.3 Influence of catalyst amount
3.4 Influence of reaction temperature
3.5 Influence of molar ratio of the reactants
3.6 Influence of reaction time:
Chapter Ⅳ Conclusion
Published Papers and Scientific Research Took Part in
[1]生物质热解动力学的研究[J]. 蒋剑春,沈兆邦. 林产化学与工业. 2003(04)
【文章来源】:天津大学天津市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter Ⅰ Literature Review
1.1 Biomass Pyrolysis Oil
1.1.1Energy crisis and environmental issues
1.1.2 Biomass Energy and its development implications
1.1.3 The introduction of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil
1.1.4 Biomass pyrolysis oil composition and physical and chemical properties
1.1.5 Fast Pyrolysis Oil as an Energy Carrier
1.2 Upgrading of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil
1.2.1 Physical and non-catalytical upgrading of bio-oil
1.2.2 Chemically and catalytical upgrading bio-oil
1.3 Catalytic Upgrading of Pyrolysis-oils by Esterification
1.3.1 Solid acid catalysts for bio-oil esterification
1.3.2 Pyrolysis oil esterification catalysed by zeolites
1.4 Thesis Ideas and Content
Chapter Ⅱ Experimental apparatus and method
2.1 Experimental Materials
2.2 Experimental Apparatus
2.3 Experimental steps
2.3.1 Catalysts
2.3.2 Experimental and Procedures
2.4 Analysis and calculation of experimental results
2.4.1 Gas chromatographic
2.4.2 Qualitative analysis of products
2.4.3 Quantitively analysis of products
2.5 Characterization techniques
2.5.1 X-ray diffraction
2.5.2 BET analysis
2.5.3 NH_3-temperature programmed desorption
Chapter Ⅲ Results and Discussion
3.1 Physical and chemical properties of different zeolites
3.1.1 XRD Characterization:
3.1.2 BET Characterization
3.1.3 NH_3-Temperature programmed desorption characteristic
3.2 The comparison of catalytic activity of different zeolite
3.3 Influence of catalyst amount
3.4 Influence of reaction temperature
3.5 Influence of molar ratio of the reactants
3.6 Influence of reaction time:
Chapter Ⅳ Conclusion
Published Papers and Scientific Research Took Part in
[1]生物质热解动力学的研究[J]. 蒋剑春,沈兆邦. 林产化学与工业. 2003(04)