发布时间:2018-01-12 14:28
本文关键词:河南省《故事家》期刊转企改制调研分析 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:深化文化体制改革,推动社会主义文化大发展、大繁荣是党的十七届六中全会做出的重大决定,深化非时政类报刊出版单位转企改制是落实十七届六中全会决定的具体措施之一。2011年5月8日,原国家新闻出版总署(国家版权局)下达指示,要求全国非时政类报刊出版单位年内全面展开转企改制,并在2012年9月底前全面完成转制任务。同年,中央和地方同步推进,分批次进行。我省非时政类期刊转企改制于2011年9月正式开始。按照国家要求,非时政类报刊出版单位体制改革有4项目标任务:一是分期分批按照规范程序完成非时政类报刊出版单位转企改制,使之成为能独立承担社会法律责任的市场主体;二是整合出版资源,培育一批导向正确、主业突出、实力雄厚、核心竞争力强的大型报刊传媒集团公司;三是走内涵式发展道路,调整结构和布局,形成一批专、精、特、新的现代报刊出版企业;四是实行严格的报刊出版市场准入机制,建立健全市场退出机制,关停并转一批不符合市场准入条件、不具备报刊出版资质和违规出版以及严重亏损、资不抵债的报刊出版单位。 我省知名期刊《故事家》就是按照国家要求率先转企改制的单位之一,并且取得了可喜的成绩。本文以首批39家非时政类报刊转企改制名录中的《故事家》为例,通过对该期刊多次实际调查走访,获得第一手的资料,并整理研究分析所得。《故事家》作为河南省内故事类期刊,因其趣味性、娱乐性,被普通群众所喜闻乐见的生动活泼的形式和贴近当下社会生活的内容而拥有较广泛的受众基础及影响力。同时,作为河南省内早期创办的期刊之一,《故事家》从创办至今,经历了省内期刊发展的各个阶段,其自身的发展历程也是河南省非时政期刊发展的一个缩影。在当前文化体制改革进程中,《故事家》也作为我省文化体制改革的先遣部队,实施了一系列的转企改制具体措施,主要包括企业市场主体确立、资源整合、经营策略转变、人员重组等,有体制的阵痛,有心灵的冲撞,更有不尽的苦难和阻力,也有改制完成后成功的喜悦。 《故事家》期刊社改制整体进程历时近一年,认真总结和反思其整个过程,期间虽遇到各种难题,但也有不少启迪和经验。首先,由于河南省内下发指导文件时间较晚,时间紧迫,该期刊转企改制进程仓促,各项申报工作虽依次展开,但企业身份短时间内仍难确定。该期刊充分抢抓机遇,利用政策支持,在文件下发以后,随即挂牌成立有限责任公司。在其市场主体确立的前提下,各项资源整合工作依次推进。其次,脱离财政支持,企业各项资产整合后资金吃紧,但该期刊适时调整经营策略,科学决策,果断运作,抓大放小,着眼自身最具竞争力的部分,做精做细,提高了期刊整体水平,从而增强了企业竞争力。最后,也是转企改制过程中最难的问题,即人员问题。这是转企改制的难点,也是重点。改制的主要原则是“以人为本”,最大限度的维护广大职工的利益。针对人员问题,《故事家》期刊社按照“老人老办法、新人新办法”的原则,妥善做好分流安置和待遇衔接工作。转制前已离退休人员和转制提前退休人员的,离退休待遇标准不变。对在编老员工,有自愿退休意向的,给予一次性经济补偿;由原单位一次性发放。新员工一律采取合同制,依法签订劳务合同,并交纳社会保险。人员重组和妥善安置,解决了最大的难题,也为企业以后的改制工作和稳定发展奠定了基础。 改制后的杂志社,克服了长期形成的编辑出版内容单一、经营形式单一、抗风险能力弱等弊端,成立了河南故事家杂志社有限责任公司,完成了由事业向企业的转变。灵活的企业结构和管理方式,加上年轻的团队,结合时下流行的元素,广泛应用最新的传播技术,使得《故事家》杂志焕发了新的生机和活力。 河南省是一个文化大省,多年来,河南的非时政类报刊出版单位经历了过去的辉煌,也经受了新时期来自新媒体的冲击和磨难,如何适应新的市场形势,迎接新的挑战,本文尝试通过剖析《故事家》经营管理制度改革中的遇到的问题及其解决的主要对策和途径探索,希望提取出非时政类报刊出版单位在转企改制中可能遇到的主要共性问题,并从其转企改制的有效方法和途径探索中总结出有价值的经验和教训,以期对随后我省的非时政类报刊出版单位转企改制工作提供有效参考和借鉴。同时,对《故事家》杂志社有限公司的经营创新之处进行简单的阐述,希望对河南省内其他文化类企业经营发展有所帮助。
[Abstract]:Deepen the reform of the cultural system, to promote socialist cultural development and prosperity of the party is a major decision made in the sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, deepening non political newspapers and publishing units into enterprises is one of the specific measures to implement the decision in the sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee to.2011 in May 8th, the former State Press and Publication Administration (National Copyright Bureau) issued instructions, request the national non political newspapers and publishing the unit in full swing into enterprises, and fully completed the restructuring task before the end of September 2012. In the same year, the central and local synchronization, divided into batches. News periodicals restructuring began officially in September 2011 than in our province. In accordance with national requirements, non political newspapers and publishing unit system reform has 4 goals: one is the installment in accordance with standard procedures to complete the non political newspapers and publishing units into enterprises, making it able to bear the social independent legal liability The main body of market; the two is the integration of publishing resources, foster a number of correct orientation, to highlight the main industry, the strength of large media group with strong core competitiveness; three is the connotative development, adjust the structure and layout, the formation of a number of specialized, refined, special, new modern newspaper publishing enterprise; four is to implement the newspaper published strict market access mechanism, establish and improve the market exit mechanism, close a number does not meet the market access conditions, do not have the qualification of publications and illegal publication and serious losses, insolvency of the newspaper publishing units.
< > famous journal story home in our province is one of the first in accordance with national requirements of transformation units, and achieved gratifying results. In this paper, the first batch of 39 non political newspapers turn "Story Home > enterprises in the list as an example, based on the Practical Journal survey, obtain first-hand information. Study and analysis of the story. Home > as Henan province story journals for its fun, entertainment, is loved by the common people in the form of lively and vivid and close to the current social life content and have a wide audience base and shadow force. At the same time, as one of the earliest journals in Henan Province," the story home > from its inception, has experienced various stages in the development of the journal, a microcosm of the development of the non political journal development itself but also in Henan province. In the process of cultural system reform, < > Home story As the cultural system reform xianqianbudui, implemented a series of reform measures, including the establishment of enterprise market, integration of resources, business strategy, personnel restructuring, system of labor, there is a collision, more endless suffering and resistance, also have the joy of success of the reform after the completion of.
< > Story Home Journal restructuring the whole process lasted nearly a year, serious summary and reflection of the whole process, while during the encounter various problems, but there are a lot of inspiration and experience. First, because Henan Province issued guidance documents of late, the time is urgent, the transformation process of the journal the declaration is hasty, in order to start, but the enterprise identity within a short period of time is still difficult to determine. The journal fully seize the opportunity, through policy support, after the document issued, immediately set up a limited liability company. In the premise of the establishment of the main market, the integration of resources in order to promote work. Secondly, from the financial support of all assets of the enterprise integration after the money is tight, but the journal timely adjust business strategy, scientific decision-making, decisive operation, control, focus on their own the most competitive part, do fine, improve the overall level of journals, so as to enhance the enterprise Competitiveness. Finally, the most difficult is the transformation process, namely the personnel problem. This is difficult, enterprise restructuring is the key. The main principle of the reform is "people-oriented", to maximize the maintenance workers. Aiming at the problem of persons "story > journal according to" the old way new approaches, principles, proper treatment and resettlement of convergence work. Before the conversion of retirees and transformed early retirees, retirement compensation standards unchanged. In the series of old employees, voluntary retirement intentions, to give a one-time economic compensation; the original unit of one-time payment of new employees will be taken. In accordance with the contract, signed labor contracts and pay social insurance. Personnel reorganization and properly solve the biggest problem, also laid the foundation for the reform and stable development of enterprises in future.
After the restructuring of the magazine, to overcome the long form of editing and publishing the contents of a single business, form a single, weak ability to resist risks and drawbacks, the establishment of the Henan Story Magazine limited liability company, completed the transition from institutions to enterprises. The enterprise management structure and flexible way, together with the young team, combined with the popular the most widely used elements, new communication technology, the "story home magazine full of new vigor and vitality.
Henan province is a big cultural province, over the years, non political newspapers Henan publishing units experienced the glorious past, have withstood the test of the new period and suffering from the impact of new media, how to adapt to the new market situation, meet new challenges, this paper attempts to analyze main countermeasures and ways of problems encountered in the reform. Story Home > management system and solutions in the exploration, hope to extract non political newspapers and publishing unit of the common problems that may be encountered in the transformation of, and summarizes the valuable experiences and lessons from the reform of the effective methods and ways of exploration, with a view to subsequent non political newspapers our province's publishing units to provide effective reference for enterprise restructuring work. At the same time, a simple exposition on "Story Home > magazine Limited business innovation, hope to Henan province and other cultural enterprises The development of the business is helpful.
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