本文关键词: 出版人 从业生态 转企改制 出处:《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》2015年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the double pressure of the transformation of enterprises and the new media, new technologies, The present publisher is faced with many survival challenges and occupational anxiety that publishers have never encountered in the past. Accurately grasp and timely solve the professional and survival problems faced by current publishers in the process of institutional and technological transformation. It is beneficial to improve the working ecology of publishers, bring their creativity into full play, and promote the healthy development of publishing industry. Publishers have shown both support and panic in the current reform of enterprises: 60% of the practitioners have a positive attitude towards the reform of enterprises, and more than half of the practitioners think that the transformation of enterprises will promote the development of the press and publishing industry; however, Nearly 40% of the practitioners think that the reform of the press and publishing industry has a greater or greater impact on their work and life, and nearly 60% of the practitioners are worried that the change in the enterprise system will lead to a decline in their income after retirement. Forty per cent of practitioners believe that the transformation of enterprises leads to an increase in their sense of psychological loss, and 60 per cent of practitioners believe that the transformation of enterprises leads to an increase in their work intensity, while more than 60 per cent of practitioners believe that the current employment ecology urgently needs to be greatly improved.
【作者单位】: 浙江理工大学文化传播学院传播系;
【基金】:国家新闻出版广电总局新闻出版项目“网络编辑与新闻出版网站记者职业资格管理制度建设研究”(项目编号:B20141512) 浙江理工大学科研启动基金项目“制度与技术转型时期的新闻出版人职业发展研究”(项目编号:13122189-Y)的研究成果
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3 辰目;;转企改制可有难?[J];传媒;2008年08期
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8 ;转企改制之后[J];青年记者;2009年33期
9 杨辉祥;;转企改制中期刊主编角色的转变[J];出版发行研究;2010年05期
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1 ;转企改制中编辑职业道德的思考[A];编辑文化论:中国编辑学会第十四届年会优秀文集[C];2009年
2 黄婉婵;;转企改制背景下科技期刊改革实践与探索——以《广西城镇建设》杂志为例[A];第十二届2014全国核心期刊与期刊国际化、网络化研讨会论文集[C];2014年
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5 中国商办工业杂志社副社长、主编 汪洋;《现代商贸工业》:转企改制后的“减肥瘦身”[N];中国新闻出版报;2013年
6 ;关于支持转企改制国有文艺院团改革发展的指导意见[N];中国文化报;2013年
7 记者 周玮;支持转企改制文艺院团改革发展[N];新华每日电讯;2013年
8 叶辉邋杜冰;转企改制迈新步[N];中国人事报;2007年
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