本文关键词: 江苏省 科技期刊 学科发展 学科期刊 期刊集群 出处:《中国科技期刊研究》2017年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:[objective] to analyze the running level and subject development of scientific and technological journals in Jiangsu Province. To promote the coordinated development of scientific and technological journals and disciplines in Jiangsu Province. [methods] according to the Journal of the China Institute of Science and Technology Information 2011-2015, China Journal of International influence in 2016, Peking University Library 2014 < Chinese. Summary of Core Journals > data, According to the results of the Ministry of Education's discipline evaluation in 2012, the authors map the core journals established by the units that belong to the dominant disciplines to the second-level disciplines, and analyze the current situation of the journals in Jiangsu Province. The present situation of discipline development in Jiangsu Province and the level of subject periodical publishing are analyzed. [results] the coverage rate of discipline and subject periodicals in Jiangsu Province is 100. The natural science journals are mainly sponsored by colleges and universities, and the journals of key colleges and universities are included in at least one database in 100%. The secondary subject coverage rate of industrial journals is 66.7%, and the core periodical coverage rate of superior disciplines in Jiangsu Province is 40.5%. [conclusion] the number of periodicals is equal to the development level of discipline, economy, culture and science and technology in Jiangsu Province. However, the number of core journals, especially the international influential journals, is small, the distribution of journal disciplines is not balanced, the related superior disciplines and industries lack of high-level periodical support, and the overall level of running journals needs to be further improved.
【作者单位】: 南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院;
【基金】:江苏省教育厅“以质量和效益为导向的知识创新体系评价研究” 江苏省科协“江苏省科技期刊发展研究平台项目”
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