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发布时间:2018-03-05 08:33

  本文选题:墨海书馆 切入点:基督教 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:1843年,麦都思于上海创办了中国近代意义上的第一家印刷机构——墨海书馆。1860年,美华书馆在上海立足后,墨海书馆的出版活动逐渐被取代,直到1877年7、8月间才真正停业。墨海书馆是由伦敦会传教士创办的,,此后大量伦敦会传教士纷纷来华,对墨海书馆做出了重大的贡献。传教士在墨海书馆的工作,除了掌管墨海书馆的运作以外,还翻译宗教类的书籍、西方科学书籍以及创办一系列综合性的书刊。由于语言的限制,他们必须要仰仗中国文人,因此形成了一个特殊的知识分子群体,他们被称为“秉笔华士”,中国文人的主要贡献就是协助传教士的翻译活动。他们的翻译活动,为晚清的西学东渐做出了巨大的贡献,对中国近代的翻译事业有着重要的意义。 墨海书馆创办初期的主要翻译工作是由麦都思主持的,主要进行《圣经》的中译活动,《新约全书》于1852年出版,《旧约全书》于1855年出版。墨海书馆出版的《圣经》中译本,被称为“委办本”,为后来出现的《圣经》中译本奠定了基础。委办本《圣经》在中国历史上有着重要的地位,之后许多版本的《圣经》翻译都沿用委办本的“上帝”的译名,而王韬作为委办本的主要译者,起到了重要的作用。《圣经》的文风与格式,在很大程度上都是受王韬的影响。麦都思与王韬的翻译使得《圣经》在人们心中成为一个“文学作品”,他们注重写作的“达”、“雅”,按照中国的习惯进行翻译写作,更有利于福音的传播。 从1851年开始,才陆续有西方科学书刊的出版。据统计,从1844年到1860年,墨海书馆共出版的书刊有171种,其中,宗教类的书籍占总数的80.7%,西方科学书籍占总数的19.3%。西方科学书籍的翻译,为中国近代意义上的各学科领域的建立打下了坚实的基础。墨海书馆主要翻译出版了数学、物理、天文、地理、植物学、医学与光学方面的书籍。墨海书馆还翻译了一部历史著作——《大英国志》,《大英国志》的学术研究价值相对较小。但是,从促进中西文化交流方面来看,它发挥了积极地作用。开启了西方史学知识向中国传播的大门,之后,尤其是洋务运动期间,西方的史学论著纷纷被介绍到中国,中国的有识之士纷纷从这些西方史学译著中,汲取营养,开阔了人们的视野,也促使人们对世界历史有了新的认识。在这方面,《大英国志》的积极影响应予以肯定。伟烈亚力创办了上海第一份中文报刊——《六合丛谈》,《六合丛谈》在整个中国近代中文报业发展史中起到了承前启后的作用,因此,它是一份有重要意义、有独特地位的刊物,有着重要的研究意义。 墨海书馆是基督教传教士在上海创办的最早的一个集翻译、印刷、出版于一体的机构。它是近代中西文化交流的一个重要场所,墨海书馆的传教士和中国文人翻译出版了大量西方的科学书籍,为中国“师夷长技”提供了教材,有利于西方科学知识在中国的传播,引发了近代中国的思想解放潮流。同时,带来了西方的印刷机器与技术,促进了中国印刷业的近代化。墨海书馆采取“西译中述”的翻译方法,为中国培养了一批翻译人才。总之,墨海书馆为中国的近代化作出了巨大的贡献,留下的积极影响值得研究。 文章共分四个方面介绍墨海书馆,首先是整体介绍墨海书馆的概况,进而介绍对墨海书馆的翻译事业贡献最大的两类人——传教士和秉笔华士,以及由墨海书馆翻译出版的《圣经》、西方科学书籍及创办的综合性书刊,最后阐述墨海书馆对中国近代翻译出版事业的影响。
[Abstract]:In 1843, Shanghai Medhurst founded the first modern printing mechanism -- the China mohai publishing house.1860, Meihua library based in Shanghai, publishing activities mohai publishing house has been replaced, until the month of 1877 7,8 truly closed. Mohai publishing house is founded by the London Missionary, then a lot of London who will have come to China, and has made great contributions to the mohai publishing house. The work of missionaries in mohai publishing house, in addition to in charge of the London Missionary Society press operation, translation of religious books, Western science books and the creation of a comprehensive series of books. Because of the limitation of language, they must rely on Chinese literati, therefore the formation of a special group of intellectuals, they are called "concessionsbel Esprit". The main contribution is to help the missionary China literary translation activities. Their translation activities in the late Qing Dynasty, for the West Learning from the East and the East has made great contributions to the translation cause of modern China.
Mohai Publishing House founded the main translation early is chaired by Matus, the main activities of the Bible, the New Testament published in 1852 < >, < > was published in 1855. The Old Testament translation Mohai Publishing House published the Bible, known as "the office", laid the foundation for the later versions of the Bible. The Bible commissioned plays an important role in the history of China, after many versions of the Bible translation which commissioned the "God" of translation, and the translator Wang Tao as the main Committee Office, has played an important role. The Bible > style and format, is largely influenced by Wang Tao. Matus and Wang Tao's translation of the Bible into a "literary works" in the hearts of the people, they pay attention to the writing of the "Da", "Ya", according to the China translation writing habits, more conducive to the spread of the gospel..
From the beginning of 1851, only after western science books published. According to statistics, from 1844 to 1860, mohai publishing house has published 171 books, including religious books, accounting for 80.7% of the total, the western science books accounted for 19.3%. the translation of the western science books, to lay a solid foundation for the establishment of the in the field of modern China. The London Missionary Society presstranslated published in mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, botany, medicine and optics books. Mohai publishing house also translated a historical works - "the great British Journal >, < > the value of academic research in the history of the relatively small. However, from the promotion of Sino Western cultural exchanges, it has played a positive role. Open to spread knowledge of Western history China gate, especially during the Westernization Movement, the western historical works have been introduced to China, Chinese have knowledge People have to draw nutrition from these translations of western historiography, and broaden people's horizons, also make people have a new understanding of the history of the world. In this regard, positive effects the < > should be affirmed. Alexander Wylie founded the Shanghai first Chinese newspapers -- Discussions on < < Liuhe >. Liuhe in the modern Chinese discussions > Chinese newspaper history played an important role, therefore, it is a important and unique position of the publication, which has important significance.
Mohai publishing house is a set of translation, the earliest Christian missionaries founded in Shanghai, printed, published in one of the institutions. It is an important place for the modern cultural exchange, Mohai Publishing House of the missionaries and China scholars translated and published a large number of Western science books, provides materials for the Chinese "barbarians technology", is conducive to the spread of western scientific knowledge in Chinese, Chinese triggered a modern trend of thought liberation. At the same time, brought the printing machine and Western technology, promote the modernization of the printing industry. China Mohai Publishing House "in the translation of translation methods", cultivate a group of translators as Chinese. In short, mohai publishing house has great contribution to the modernization of China, worthy of positive influence left.
The article is divided into four aspects: the mohai publishing house, first is the overall introduction of mohai publishing house, then the introduction of Mohai Publishing House translation contribution to the cause of two kinds of people -- the largest missionary and concessionsbel esprit, and Mohai Publishing House published by the translation of the Bible, the western science books and its comprehensive books finally, elaborated the influence of modern translation China Mohai Publishing House Publishing.



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