发布时间:2018-03-17 06:43
本文选题:创造社 切入点:期刊 出处:《西南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“现实主义的文研会和浪漫主义的创造社”是文学史习惯的说法,然而回到期刊杂志这个记录着历史本真状态的载体上来,可以看出创造社和浪漫主义间的各种复杂纠缠关系,并不像文学史记载的那么纯粹而又绝对。创造社是将西方浪漫主义引进中国的集大成者,它在对西方浪漫主义的接纳、整合、改造的过程中,逐渐将其植入了中国现代文学之中。另外,创造社作为一个媒介,也把从西方引进的浪漫主义进行了创造和变异,例如将前期突出的抒情主性,转向了后期的时代性和革命性,形成了带有自我本土色彩的一种浪漫主义性质的思潮。本文将立足于创造社主要期刊的本来面目,伴随着创造社的整个跌宕起伏的运动过程,对创造社和浪漫主义的复杂关系,做一次全新的考察和认识。全文分为三章: 第一章总体把握创造社期刊与浪漫主义的关系,包括浪漫主义在中国的滥觞、创造社期刊对西方浪漫主义在中国的传播整体上所起的作用,通过创造社这个媒介,西方浪漫主义在传入中国本土后进行的流变过程,在此过程中,创造社期刊是作为一个中转站的作用。 第二章主要从创造社前期的期刊入手,通过创造社的栏目设置、人事、译介等因素分析其与浪漫主义的关系,因为它的推崇和引介,形成中国式的浪漫主义的面貌,它所讴歌的是热情的解放,自我意识的张扬,与西方不同的是治国安邦的家国情怀,同时分析了创造社真正的“浪漫主义”观。 第三章分析了创造社中后期的期刊,从期刊不断的流变转换过程中窥见浪漫主义在中国的流变过程,它不仅在外部与革命结合,还在内部分裂转化出一股象征主义、颓废派的势力,但最终在涌动的革命时代大潮的推进下,这些驳杂的思想都大面积敛缩并合流在一起,融汇成革命的巨大声浪。 总之,创造社的整个发展历程中,与浪漫主义有着复杂多样的关系,从创造社自身来说,不能单纯将其与“为艺术而艺术”“情感”“理想”等西方浪漫主义特质进行打包,它的每一个发展阶段都与浪漫主义有着不同的联系,而始终贯穿其中不变的,是一种偏向浪漫主义的精神气质,是一种勇于反抗、趋新避旧、敢为人先去站在时代风口浪尖感应时代风气的勇猛狂飙精神。
[Abstract]:"the realistic Society of Literary Studies and the Romantic Society of creation" is the saying of literary history habit. However, when we return to the journal magazine as a carrier that records the true state of history, we can see that there are various complicated entanglements between the Society of creation and Romanticism. It is not as pure and absolute as the history of literature records. The creation Society is the integrator who introduced western romanticism into China. It is in the process of accepting, integrating and reforming western romanticism. In addition, the creation Society, as a medium, also created and changed the romanticism introduced from the West, for example, by turning the pre-prominent lyricism to the later era and revolution. This article will be based on the main journals of the Society for creation, accompanied by the whole process of ups and downs of the creation Society, and the complex relationship between creation Society and Romanticism. This paper is divided into three chapters:. The first chapter generally grasps the relationship between creation society periodicals and romanticism, including the origin of romanticism in China, the role of creation society periodicals in the dissemination of western romanticism in China as a whole, and through the creation of society as a medium. Western Romanticism was introduced into China. In this process, the creation of the journal is a transit station. The second chapter mainly starts with the periodicals in the early stage of the creation Society, and analyzes its relationship with romanticism through such factors as column setup, personnel, translation and introduction, etc., because of its promotion and introduction, it forms the appearance of Chinese-style romanticism. What it eulogizes is the liberation of enthusiasm, the publicity of self-consciousness, the family feelings of ruling a country and peace, and the real "romanticism" view of creation society. The third chapter analyzes the periodical in the middle and late period of the Society of creation, and from the constant changing process of the periodical, we can see the changing process of romanticism in China. It not only combines the external and revolutionary, but also splits into a symbolism in the interior. The forces of the decadent faction, but eventually in the surging era of the revolutionary tide, these complex ideas are converging and converging in large areas, merged into a revolution of great noise. In a word, the society of creation has a complex and diverse relationship with romanticism in its whole development process. From its own point of view, it cannot be packaged with the characteristics of western romanticism such as "art for the sake of art" and "emotion" ideal, etc. Every stage of its development has a different connection with romanticism, and what runs through it is a romantic spirit, a kind of courage to resist, and a tendency to change and avoid the old. Dare to be the first to stand at the forefront of the times to sense the spirit of the times.
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