安徽出版集团跨行业经营研究(文学).pdf 全文免费在线阅读
网友zhangkuan14312近日为您收集整理了关于安徽出版集团跨行业经营研究(文学)的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:密级: 学校代码:10075分类号: 学号:20100786文学硕士学位论文安徽出版集团跨行业经营研究学位申请人: 李扬指导教师: 陶丹教授学位类别: 文学硕士学科专业: 传播学授予单位: 河北大学答辩日期: 二〇一三年五月Classified Index: Code:10075U.D.C.: NO.20100786A Dissertation for the Degree of M. ArtsThe study on the operatingcharacteristics of the An Hui PublishingGroupCandidate: Li YangSupervisor: Prof. Tao DanAcademic Degree Applied for: Master of ArtsSpecialty: CommunicationUniversity: Hebei UniversityDate of Oral Examination: May,2013摘要I摘要安徽出版集团有组建于 2005 年,前身是安徽省出版总社。该集团是集图书、报纸、期刊、电子音像产品及网络出(来源:[])版物的编辑出版、印刷、复制、发行、物资供应与经营等业务于一体,又拥有数码传播、数字出版、信息服务等新兴出版业务,兼营房地产开发、商品进出口、医药、内贸等业务的大型文化产业集团。2005 年,安徽出版集团在完成集团化组建的同时完成转企改制,该集团的成立是我国出版业全面改革、趋于成熟阶段的产物,并在深化改革中不断发展。集团积极落实“跨行业、跨地区、多元化”发展战略,促进形成主业挺拔,产业规模扩大的格局。通过实施“做强主业,做大产业”的战略,集团实现了惊人的扩张,跻身中国一流出版发行企业。本文分别从四大方面来系统探讨安徽出版集团的跨行业经营战略:其实施跨行业经营的缘由,实施跨行业经营的途径,实施跨行业经营的策略及其在跨行业经营中面临的问题和对中国图书出版业发展的启示,力求梳理出安徽出版集团跨行业经营模式的完整脉络。关键词安徽出版集团跨行业经营AbstractIIAbstractAnhui publishing group, founded in 2005, formerly known as S (来源:[])in anhuiprovince. The group is a collection of books, newspapers, periodicals, electronic audio andvideo products work publication of editing and publishing, printing, copying,distribution, material supply and management business as a whole, and munication,digital publishing, information service and other emerging publishing business, engaged inreal estate development, import and export goods, medicine, domestic trade and otherbusiness of the big c(来源:[])ulture industry group.In 2005, anhui publishing group pleting enterprises group formed at the same time,the establishment of the group is China's publishing industry product prehensivereform, the mature stage, and constantly developed in deepening the reform. Group, activelyimplement the "inter-trade, trans-regional, diversified development strategy, promote theformation of tall and straight, the pattern of industrial scale. By implementing the str(来源:[])ategy of"strengthen its main business, to do big business", the group implemented a startlingexpansion, panies in China. This paper respectively from four aspects: systemof anhui publishing group, cross-industry business strategy: the cause of its implementation ofcross-industry operation, implementation of cross-industry operation, implementation ofcross-industry business strategy and its in the cross-industry business are faced with theproblem an(来源:[])d the enlightenment to China's book publishing industry development, strive tocreate plete contexts of anhui publishing group, cross-industry business model.Key words Anhui publishing group multisectoral operation目录III目录绪论 1第 1 章安徽出版集团跨行业经营缘由及其发展概况 5 1.1 国家深化文化体制改革的政策推动 5 1.2 抵御市场风险及追求利润最大化的利益驱动 7 1.2.1 抵御跨国出版集团的竞争压力及政策改变带来的风险 7 1.2.2 为扩大企业规模,跨出主业满足受众多元化需求 8 1.2.3 跨行业经营利于分散风险,提高盈利能力
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