本文选题:医学编辑 + 文化担当 ; 参考:《出版广角》2017年04期
[Abstract]:The development of the publishing industry can not be separated from the cultural burden of the editor. The editor is a craftsman who creates cultural products. The culture of the editor needs the spirit of the craftsman. The article discusses the relationship between the cultural burden of the editor and the spirit of the craftsman, and the embodiment of the spiritual connotation of the three craftsmen in the editor's professionalism. In his own professional field, the methods and significance of medical editors to practise the spirit of the craftsman are discussed, that is to insist on the social benefit first, to realize the organic unity of social and economic benefits, to keep innovating, to avoid the low level of repeated publication and blindly follow the wind, to strictly control the quality of books, to make excellent books, and then to realize the re prosperity of the medical book market. And the sustainable development of medical publishing.
【作者单位】: 青岛出版社;
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