本文选题:出版 + 出版数字化转型 ; 参考:《北京印刷学院》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着世界范围内各行业的科技革命的兴起,我国出版业中科技力量也在不断增加,发挥着越来越重要的作用。在我国出版业数字化转型进程中,科技力量提升的主要表现形式就是科技与文化的融合。出版业的数字化转型在我国已经取得了一定的成功进展,但是我们还要看到问题的存在。比如,,在传统出版单位中,很多已经有了数字出版相关产品和服务,但是还存在着数字产品种类单一、进程缓慢的情况。从整个出版业来看,还存在着技术和标准不统一、版权保护不健全、新技术应用不到位等问题。所以,我们需要根据出版业科技应用和科技文化融合的现状入手,分析现存问题,总结科技文化融合的特征,在此基础上为今后的发展提出建议。 在出版业中,科技与文化融合是大势所趋,也是出版业数字化转型的过程中的重要表现形式。本论文以我国出版业数字化转型为背景,在对出版业科技应用现状和存在问题分析的基础上,借鉴相关行业科技文化融合经验,总结出版业科技需求、探究并分析本行业科技文化融合的特征,最后为行业的发展进行展望、提出建议。本论文共五个部分: 第一章首先阐述研究背景及意义,其次对相关研究文献进行述评,再次对本文的核心概念进行界定,最后确定研究内容和方法。 第二章利用数据对出版行业几个领域的科技应用现状进行阐述和分析,以此发现行业科技文化融合的情况和问题。整理和分析近年来广电行业的科技应用情况,再总结出对出版业科技文化融合的启示。 第三章总结出版业数字化转型中的科技需求,为后文科技文化融合特征的结论做铺垫。 第四章提出出版行业科技文化融合的几点要素,以此对出版行业细分领域的科技文化融合情况进行分析。并在此和前文基础上,总结出版业科技文化融合的几点总体特征。 第五章从机遇和挑战两方面对出版业科技文化融合的前景进行展望,再对此提出建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rise of science and technology revolution in various industries in the world, the scientific and technological forces in the publishing industry of our country are also increasing and playing a more and more important role. In the process of digital transformation of publishing industry in China, the main manifestation of the promotion of scientific and technological power is the integration of science and technology and culture. The digital transformation of publishing industry has made some success in our country, but we still need to see the existence of problems. For example, many of the traditional publishing organizations already have digital publishing related products and services, but there is a single category of digital products and slow progress. From the point of view of the whole publishing industry, there are still some problems such as disunity of technology and standards, imperfect copyright protection and inadequate application of new technologies. Therefore, we need to start with the current situation of science and technology application and technology culture fusion in publishing industry, analyze the existing problems, summarize the characteristics of science and technology culture fusion, and put forward some suggestions for the future development. In the publishing industry, the integration of science and technology and culture is the trend of the times, but also an important form of expression in the process of digital transformation of the publishing industry. This paper takes the digital transformation of publishing industry as the background, on the basis of analyzing the present situation and existing problems of the science and technology application in the publishing industry, and drawing lessons from the experience of fusion of science and technology culture of the related industries, summarizes the scientific and technological needs of the publishing industry. This paper probes into and analyzes the characteristics of the integration of science, technology and culture in this industry, and finally puts forward some suggestions for the development of the industry. This thesis consists of five parts: The first chapter describes the background and significance of the research, then reviews the relevant research literature, defines the core concepts of this paper, and finally determines the research content and methods. The second chapter uses data to explain and analyze the current situation of science and technology application in several fields of publishing industry, so as to find out the situation and problems of the integration of science and technology and culture in the industry. This paper analyzes the application of science and technology in the field of radio and television in recent years, and summarizes the enlightenment to the integration of science and technology and culture in the publishing industry. The third chapter summarizes the scientific and technological needs in the digital transformation of publishing industry, paving the way for the conclusion of the following features of science, technology and culture integration. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward some elements of science and technology culture fusion in publishing industry, so as to analyze the integration of science and technology culture in publishing industry subdivision field. And on the basis of this and the previous article, summarizes the publishing industry science and technology culture fusion several general characteristics. The fifth chapter looks forward to the prospect of science, technology and culture fusion in publishing industry from the two aspects of opportunity and challenge, and then puts forward some suggestions.
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