发布时间:2018-06-03 15:35
本文选题:清末民初 + 编辑出版 ; 参考:《山东艺术学院》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文选取清末民初书刊编辑出版这一特定领域进行考量,以人文思想为切入点,通过新型知识分子群落的人文思想贯穿了编辑出版背景、主体、产品和活动等环节,将产业转型设置为时代背景,全力开掘贯穿其中并且作用重大的人文思想,力图从全新的角度呈现传统知识分子的人文思想演变轨迹。 本文的绪论简要介绍了本课题的由来和研究背景,以及目前对该方面课题研究的现状及成果概述。前者主要结合当时的史实—环境险恶中的行业发展,尤其是人文精神的高扬;以及当下的现实—发展环境的相对理想,但是产业发展滞后,而且人文关怀的失落。而后者的研究现状中,根据老中青三代学人的先后开拓,以及立足历史、产业、个体各个侧面的不同建树,从总体上把握了选题的意义和研究的目的。 文章正文分为三个部分,分别对比传统知识分子在首次办报热潮和近代化出版的兴起发展两个不同阶段的思想流变、行为变化以及不同价值。于是,按照思想源流、行为操作、价值贡献分为三章,每章分为两节,选取了传统知识分子中的典型代表,筛选了大量的史料,希望能够在细节还原和具体对比中,探明传统知识分子的人文思想轨迹。 第一章侧重于在历史变迁中的思想流变。第一节着眼于国人首次办报热潮中作用巨大的传统知识分子们。首先探源其一以贯之的人文思想,特别是家国情怀在清末乱世的独特彰显。第二节则关注中国近代化出版的兴起发展,以及经历阵痛的改良文人们。探究知识分子们在遭受挫折后,愈加奋起寻求崭新方式的原因及表现。通过对比,当身份从当朝士大夫经历政治失落成为在野文人,其人文思想也由高歌补天到低调济世,由知识分子的家国意识更多地下移到社会担当。 第二章侧重于时局更替中的行为转变。第一节分析清末知识分子们首开报刊的开拓之艰,无论是政治势力的强硬钳制,还是经济方面的惨淡经营,凭借他们的爱国热情,都取得了自身的坚持和突破。第二节剖析了经历时局更替后知识分子们温和务实的行为操作,更多地远离政治漩涡,更好地重视经济回报。已经从传统维新士人的激情鼓呼,转而成为勤奋务实的默默耕耘。 第三章侧重于社会转型中的价值彰显。第一节大力赞扬了维新士人们通过译著办刊来传介西学,实现去塞求通,破旧谋新的努力,进而从这些慷慨鼓呼表象的外部努力,观照到他们内在的心怀家国的昂然热情。第二节全面肯定了新式出版努力传介中西,勾画古今的尝试,一手大力传播西学,另一手全心整理国粹,最终达到传继薪火,,实现知识分子的大义担当。 结论对全文进行了收束和总结,从全篇角度指出在急剧产业转型中岿然不动的人文情怀。无论是出版机构、出版技术、出版材质、出版模式、出版物等外在的巨大变革,还是出版理念、出版思想等内在的剧烈演进;无论是上层游说帝王到底层培育民众的天壤之别,还是文人大夫高雅唱和到新式书商锐意操作的云泥之分,唯一不变的是编辑出版所与生俱来并一以贯之的人文气息。从传统士人的家国情怀到改良文人的社会担当,都是人文精神的一脉传承。
[Abstract]:This paper takes into consideration the specific field of editing and publishing in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China , and takes the humanistic thought as the entry point , through which the humanistic thought of the new intellectual community runs through the links of editing and publishing the background , subject , product and activity , etc . The transformation of the industry is set as the background of the times , and the humanistic ideas penetrating through them are fully exploited , so as to present the path of the evolution of the traditional intellectuals from a brand - new perspective .
The introduction of this paper briefly introduces the background of the research and research background of the subject , and the current situation and achievements of the research on the subject . The former mainly combines the historical facts and the industry development in the environment and evil , especially the high praise of the humanistic spirit ;
The present situation is the relative ideal of the development environment , but the development of the industry is lagging behind , and the loss of humanistic care is lost . In the latter research situation , according to the development of the three generations of the old and middle Qing , and based on the history , the industry and the individual sides of the individual , the significance and the purpose of the research are mastered .
The article is divided into three parts , which are compared with the traditional intellectuals in the first run of the upsurge and the rise and development of the modernization publication . Then , according to the thought source , the behavior operation and the value contribution are divided into three chapters , each chapter is divided into two sections , the typical representative in the traditional intellectuals is selected , and a lot of historical materials are selected , so that the humanistic ideological track of the traditional intellectuals can be explored in detail reduction and concrete comparison .
The first chapter focuses on the change of thought in historical changes . The first section focuses on the traditional intellectuals who have played a great role in the upsurge of Chinese literature . The second section focuses on the rising development of China ' s modernization and the improvement of people . The second section focuses on the rise and development of China ' s modernization publication and the improvement of its performance .
The second chapter focuses on the transition of behavior in the change of the current situation . The first section analyzes the difficulties of opening up the newspapers and periodicals by the intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty . Whether the political forces are hard - line or economical , the second section analyzes the actions of the intellectuals who have experienced the change of political forces and the economic rewards . The second section analyzes the actions of the intellectuals who have experienced the change of the time , and pays more attention to economic returns .
The third chapter focuses on the value of the social transformation . The first section is to pay tribute to the efforts made by the people of Vader to learn through the translation of the books , to achieve the purpose of seeking common and breaking the old plot , and then from the external efforts of these generous drums . The second section fully affirms the new publishing efforts to transfer the Chinese - west , and draws on the attempt of ancient and present . The second section fully affirms the attempt by the new publishing efforts to spread the western learning and the other hand to organize the national essence . Finally , it has achieved the great sense of the intellectuals .
Conclusion The full text carries on the collection and summary , from the whole point of view point out in the abrupt change of the humanities feelings . Whether the publishing organization , the publishing technology , the publishing material , the publishing mode , the publication and so on the great change , or the publishing idea , the publishing thought and so on the internal vigorous evolution ;
Whether the upper layer lobbying the emperor to the bottom layer to cultivate the people ' s difference , or the scholar - doctor Gao Ya sang and the new bookseller ' s keen operation of the cloud mud , the only change is to edit and publish the inherent human breath . From the traditional scholar ' s home country to the improved scholar ' s social responsibility , it is a pulse of the humanistic spirit .
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