发布时间:2018-06-04 11:27
本文选题:《网球》杂志 + 国际网球四大公开赛 ; 参考:《上海体育学院》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着网球运动在全球的影响力日益增强,在国内网球运动也受到大众的广泛关注。2002年,上海承办了大师杯总决赛,在上海乃至全国掀起了一阵网球热潮。同时,随着中国女子网球运动员在国际女子网坛上取得的成就,尤其是2011年,李娜夺得澳大利亚网球公开赛女单比赛亚军,创造了亚洲运动员在在大满贯中的最好成绩,也推动了网球运动在中国的蓬勃发展。同时也促进了网球类杂志的发展。 目前,我国有《网球天地》(1990年创刊)、《网球》(2003年创刊)和《网球俱乐部》(2007年创刊)3份专业类网球杂志。其中《网球》杂志在国内的发行量和影响力最大,在对国际网球四大公开赛的报道和培养记者、编辑队伍方面,形成了优势和特色。同时,通过研究发现《网球》杂志在赛事报道方面,尤其是对国际网球四大公开赛的报道,还有很多改进和提升空间。 本文采用文献资料法、文本分析法、数理统计法和个案研究法,对《网球》杂志2005年-2010年国际网球四大公开赛的报道进行了研究,通过对《网球》杂志的封面、版块设置和报道特色等方面的分析和研究,总结出其特点,并找出《网球》杂志在国际网球四大公开赛报道方面的不足,提出相应的建议。 《网球》杂志在封面设计上,刊名设计保持稳定,封面要目呈现醒目,封面图片表现多样,封面人物与四大满贯夺冠人选同步。 在栏目设置上,期刊各栏目定位越来越细分化,小众化趋势明显。 在报道特色方面,从报道来源、报道体裁、议题内容三方面进行研究。在报道来源上,现场采写报道和独家报道日益增多,稿件来源渠道逐步拓宽,同时与新媒体的合作更加紧密。在报道体裁上,具有多样性、形式的相对固定性和创新性的特点;另外,人物通讯在写作手法上注重体育新闻故事化的特点;日记式报道强调现场参与感和体验真实性;预测性报道和体育述评注重技战术分析的专业性;本刊记者采写的人物专访增多,突出挖掘人物的内心世界和比赛背后的故事;介绍性文章关注非赛事报道方面,涵盖面较广。在议题内容上,注重文化特色,注重传播四大满贯的赛事的文化底蕴;专业色彩浓厚,注重数据分析;做深度报道,利用本土优势和可得资源的便利性对中国军团的报道较为细致;关于网球选手的成长背景和网坛经历所用笔墨较多,具有人文关怀;文字力量强,重视文字表达和用词的语言感。 《网球》对四大满贯的报道有如下问题:与新媒体的融合度不够;与外刊合作和报道原创性的矛盾;报道的客观性与记者主观立场之间存在矛盾。 最后给出建议:加强传统媒体和新媒体的融合与发展;培养具有独特文风和写作风格的记者和编辑;开拓记者和编辑不同的叙述视角,避免主观倾向;处理好杂志商业化和专业化定位的关系。
[Abstract]:With the increasing influence of tennis in the world and the widespread concern in the domestic tennis in.2002 years, Shanghai has hosted the Master Cup finals and set off a tennis upsurge in Shanghai and even the whole country. At the same time, with the achievements made by Chinese women tennis players in the international women's tennis arena, especially in 2011, Li Na The runner up of the Australian Open women's singles competition created the best performance of the Asian athletes in the Grand Slam, and also promoted the flourishing of tennis in China. It also promoted the development of tennis magazines.
At present, there are 3 professional tennis magazines in our country, tennis world (1990), tennis (2003) and The Racquet Club Hotel (2007 publication). Among them, tennis magazine has the largest distribution and influence in China. It has formed advantages and characteristics in the report of the four international tennis tournament, the training of journalists and the editorial team. Through research, it is found that tennis magazine has much room for improvement and improvement in its coverage of events, especially for the four international tennis tournament.
By means of literature, text analysis, mathematical statistics and case studies, this paper studies the reports of the four international tennis tournaments of Tennis > magazine in 2005. Through the analysis and study of the cover, layout and characteristics of the magazine, the features are summarized and the "Tennis > magazine" is found in the country. There are deficiencies in the report of the four major tennis tournaments, and corresponding suggestions are put forward.
< Tennis > magazine's cover design, the title of the magazine is stable, the cover should be eye - catching, the cover picture is varied, and the cover characters are synchronized with the four Grand Slam winners.
In the column setting, the positioning of journals is becoming more and more fragmented.
In the coverage of the report, from the sources of reports, genre, and the content of the issue three aspects of research. On the source of the report, there is a growing number of reports and exclusive reports, the sources of manuscripts are gradually widened, and the cooperation with the new media is more closely. In addition, the character communication pays attention to the characteristics of the story of sports news in the writing technique; the diary type report emphasizes the sense of participation in the field and the authenticity of the experience; the specialty of the predictive report and the analysis of the tactics of the sports commentary on the technique and tactics; the number of people interviewed by the journalists is increased, and the stories behind the characters' inner world and the games are highlighted; The article focuses on non events coverage, covering a wide range of topics, focusing on cultural features, focusing on the cultural heritage of the four Grand Slam events, professional colors, and data analysis; making deep reports, making use of local advantages and the convenience of resources available to Chinese legions; about tennis players The background of growing up and the experience of the tennis world are much more ink and ink, with humanistic concern; strong words, and emphasis on the language sense of word expression and diction.
< Tennis > four Grand Slam reports have the following questions: lack of integration with the new media; the contradiction of cooperation with foreign periodicals and reporting of originality; there is a contradiction between the objectivity of the report and the subjective position of the reporter.
Finally, suggestions are given: to strengthen the integration and development of traditional media and new media; to cultivate journalists and editors with unique style of writing and writing; to open up different narrative perspectives of journalists and editors and to avoid subjective tendencies; to deal with the relationship between commercialization of magazines and professional orientation.
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